Clause Number 3

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Tonz has started his internship. He feels that everything is falling into place. He's doing good with his studies, ACZ and F Models came into terms with regards to his modelling contract, and workshops will begin by next month. After his shift, he was asked to join Ms. Dessa and Ms. MEG for a meeting.

He was surprised that Jacinda, or Cie Cie rather, was also present.

They were in the executive conference room. The atmosphere seem tensed. Dessa advised that they are waiting for the Chief Legal Counsel of the network.

Tonz felt a lump in his throat. He thought that the contract signing event will push through by December. It's only the 3rd week of August.

Atty. Aristotle Ho was ushered inside. He brought out five copies of the contract.

He looks like a no nonsense kind of guy, Tonz should know, the lawyer is his mentor.

"Good afternoon, here are the copies of the contract. I will be discussing each provision for you. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. If there is anything that you would like to add or change, we will take note of it."

He discussed the contract with ease, but before he read clause no. 3, he coughed then continued to read.

"To prevent conflict of interest, the two parties are prohibited to engage in a romantic relationship within the duration of their contract."

Tonz gave the bosses a perplexed look. Even Cie Cie, who was just reading the contract, raise her head.

Ms. Dessa also looked at MEG, who look unbothered. She spoke with clarity and authority.

"This is just a precautionary measure. After years of dealing with loveteams, we observed that when real feelings are involved, there will be risks of jeopardizing the healthy work environment. The partners tend to put more focus on their lovelife instead of the projects. It's just for two years. Maybe, when we renew your contracts, and when you're mature enough to handle a relationship, we can
exclude this clause. " she explained.

Tonz couldn't help but feel the rebel inside him stir. Is this the cost of fame?

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