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Tonz feels that he need to take advantage of the situation. A part of him wanted to apologize for the earlier encounter, another part wanted to impress Ms. O and her team. He turned to Jacinda, who wore a blank look on her face.

"Hey, I know we're not properly introduced, and that we both started on a wrong foot, but please, I really am sorry." he said while looking directly in her eyes. Her eyes grew bigger, confusion evident in them. But he took this opportunity to further express his sincerity.

"I'm at fault, and I must admit, it was very ungentlemanly on my part. I didn't consider the ladies like you, who might get offended by my actions. There's no one to blame but me. Rest assure that it won't happen again. I promise, once you get to know me, you'll see that I'm not all bad." he added, and gave a small smile.

" And...cut!" Ms. O shouted.
" All I can say is, I felt it. The sincerity, the softness, a bit kilig. Wow, and that incident happened in real life! For sure, that girl you've been telling us about will definitely forgive you." Ms. O smiled at him.

Tonz smiled back. He just wish that he got the message across. He tried to catch the eye of the intern, but she already excused herself.

"Tonz, can you do a look test on Friday? I know it's another short notice, but this is really urgent."

"May I ask what time should I come in? I'm free the whole day actually."

"How about 8:00 A. M.? Expect that it will go on for the rest of the day. I'll tell you the details of this project by then."

"Ok ma'am, I'll be here on Friday."

"Well, I'll see you then. I'll ask my assistant to contact you for further instructions. And another thing Tonz, this project is extremely confidential."

Project: Perfect Loveteam (Book One) Where stories live. Discover now