Odessa And Jacinda

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After the phone call with MEG Odessa sat at her desk, while perusing Jacinda's portfolio.

She cleared her throat, and looked at the intern with a new found admiration.

"Who would have thought that the theater royalty is under my wing? Tell me, would you like to act again? Did the audition stir your long suppressed passion for acting?"

Jacinda stared back blankly. It feels like she would burst because of the emotions that she feels. Ms. O touched a very sentive topic, something that she thought she'd already buried. But she's not the type of person who lies. She's a very lowkey but honest person.

"Ms. O, I don't really know what to feel, I'm overwhelmed actually. To be honest, I'm scared, because I thought that I've already overcome my passion for acting. I've pursued my course to stay on the sidelines. But this audition made me realize that I still love to act."

"We can help you with that. You can comeback Jacinda, but in a different medium. I can't say that it'll be the same, but with your talent, I know you can achieve more."

"Thank you, thank you for the trust. But you know, theater has always been my home, I don't know how I can cope with film and TV."

"I know, but trust me, you'll be great. And besides, I know that theater has more fierce rivalries than TV."

"How about my privacy? My studies? I'm supposed to be graduating next year."

"Well, we can move the launch by second quarter, I know for the fact that you'll be needing us in your thesis. Rest assure that we can handle that matter."

"Please give me time to process this. I also need to speak with my parents."

"OK. Not that I'm pressuring you, but can you give me your decision by Wednesday?"

"Yes Ms. O. Again, thank you for considering me for this project."

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