Old And New

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This Christmas holiday has been the best one in recent years. Because aside from his TVC, they also appeared in ACZ's Christmas Station ID.

Tonz couldn't help but feel grateful, the past four months really made a huge impact in his life. He's also looking forward to where the future will take them. January will be a very busy month, they have to resume shooting for the movie, they also have a few guestings. Even if the movie will be released by March, they still have media con and post production.

School will also be hectic, since they have enrollment, retreat and grad pic sessions. On top of that, classes and other requirements too.

He drove his old car to his highschool early in the morning. Westbridge still looks the same, but being in this football field made him realize that it was him who changed.

Gone is the devil may care attitude, modelling for the fun and extra cash, and being friendly with the ladies. He became more mature, more socially aware. It's not as if he's a bad guy. On the contrary, he was raised to be a southern gentleman who keeps his word. He just knows how to enjoy his youth. He is often branded as a ladies' man by some people because they mistook his friendliness with flirting.

But with her, he's careful and protective. Because she is a gem, precious and one of a kind.

He called her, he just want to hear her voice.

"Hi, did I wake you up?"

"Nope, been up since crack of dawn. What's up?"

"I just drove here to my highschool, maybe you'd like to see it?"

"You're giving me a tour? Cool! I want to see the field."

"Funny you should ask, I'm actually here at the field, in the bleachers to be exact."

He roamed around the campus, good thing he still knows the old guard, who asked for a photo with him, to show to his teen daughters.

"This is the locker area, we have to double check because some batch mates are real pranksters. You'll get a frog, a cockroach, you get the picture." he said smiling.

"If I know, kasama ka sa pranksters."

"What made you say that?"

"You're smiling, baka ikaw pa pasimuno nung pranks..."

"Grabe sya, I'm not a good boy pero I know my limits naman sa pranks."

"Now I understand why you're so makulet. Laking all boys ka pala. You're just like my brothers and Nicolo. Wild pag nilagay na sa coed school."

"Yan ka na naman, generalizing men. I'm offended."

"Don't get me wrong, I have a long history to prove that. And I'm sorry if you're offended."

"Are we having our first tampuhan?" he couldn't help but blurt out.

"I don't know, I guess we both have strong opinions regarding that matter kasi. Patriarchy is really a sensitive topic for me."

"Yeah, you're an advocate of neo feminism and I get that. Maybe we should just agree to disagree and let it pass."

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I ruined your tour."

"No prob, I like that we can talk about things like this."

"Argue is a better word for it."

"We're both opinionated eh, and people say showbiz people are shallow."

"Yeah, another misconception. By the way, will I see you on enrollment day?"

"Of course. Why?"

"Ms. Kayla want to run through some things."

"Yeah, we'll go there after enrollment na lang."

"I got to hang up na pala. We need to check out today."

"You're flying back na?"

"Nope, change of plans, we need to go to Japan."

"Ok, ingat. Message me if you arrived na."

"I will. Take a pic of the goal for me."

After they hang up, he went back to the field. He took a photo of the goal and send it to her.

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