A Tale Of Two Mothers

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Isabel is busy wrapping up the Christmas lunch, the caterer has already left, and she and the aunties are gathered yet again in the kitchen.

"Manang Irene, you pack some lechon, for sure Manong Harold would like some paksiw later."

"Thank you Isabel, for sure, the boys will ask me to cook this once we get home."

"I'll pack some morcon and paella. How about you Alice?" Ida asked.

"Yes please, and that gambas too. Thank you."

Tonz arrived and called his mom.

"Hi aunties, can I borrow my mom for a few minutes?" the aunties dismissed them.

"Yes Tonito, would you like some desserts? We still have a blueberry cheesecake and that dark chocolate cake."

"Mom, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Do you have the contact number of tita Elena?"

"Elena, as in Cie Cie's mom?"

"Yes. Uhm, yeah, we sometimes message each other. Why?"

"I haven't heard from Cie Cie for 12 hours na. I'm getting worried."

"Son, she's abroad di ba? Maybe they're out or she's on a plane. No need to worry."

"I can't help but worry, please..."

"I'll just message her na lang, hay you're so ma kulet talaga."

His mom messaged Tita Elena. They were both startled when the phone rang.

"Hi Elena! Merry Christmas! Thank you again. Yeah, I was surprised kanina. That was so generous of you. Oo they enjoyed it. Hahaha, no worries, of course he's a southern gentleman. By the way, Tonz kasi is trying to reach Cie Cie, about work ata. I see, yeah. Sure, no problem. Hahaha, I'll send boxes of Napoleones, don't worry. OK. Hope to see you again soon. Bye."

He waited for his mom to speak, she's smiling when she turned to him.

"She's OK, accoding to Elena, they flew back to the country na. That explains why you can't reach her. She's just jet-lagged, but Elena said, she'll ask her daughter to call you once she's awake."

"Thanks mom! I'm so happy to hear that." he hugged his mom.

"I just realized, sobrang miss mo na siguro sya noh? Napa kanta ka pa ng jet-lag, last night eh." his mom teased.

"Hindi kaya, I just miss our old gigs."

"Sus, my Tonito is blushing. Oo nga pala, they are at the North na. So expect that she won't be able to answer you right away."

"I understand mom. Thank you again."

"Well, thank you also for being a gentleman. Elena said, she's just returning the favor because you always treat Cie Cie nicely and making sure that she comes home safely."

"What can I say, I'm raised by a queen."

"Awww, you're cute. I'll go ahead na, your aunties are waiting."

Meanwhile at Casa Ortega, Elena is with her sister-in law, Manang Pia,  having brunch at the gazebo beside the pool.

"You seem close with the mother of Jacinda's loveteam. That's good."

"Manang, she's a nice lady and her son treats my daughter well. I feel like I've found a kindred spirit in her too."

"Dear, I'm happy that you've both found true friends, Jacinda needs a strong support system, especially with the bashers and the likes."

"Yeah, I guess we both needed that. I'm just feeling guilty that I'm still quiet strict with her."

"As you should, you're her mother, you just want what's best for her. But honestly, your hectic schedule is what bothers me."

"We are trying our best Manang, we just need to make a few adjustments this time, since their father will be launching a new project."

"You're supposed to be on vacation mode, I hate to pry, but the kids left in a hotel, even if it's the grandest hotel, is just sad."

"Yeah, we didn't thought of that. But somethings came up and we have to sort things. And I'm working on something for Jacinda too."

"What could that be?"

"It's a surprise for her birthday. I coordinated with her management too and they gave me the greenlight. I'll tell you in details, once I've processed everything."

"I can't wait for it. I'm sure she'll be happy with the surprise."

"I hope she will be. Her papa and I will give everything in this world just to see her happy again."

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