Chapter 65: I'm gonna be a Mom

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Destiny P.O.V
I was so happy to hear that Justin wanted kids as much as I did. My wish came true instantly; the next day after he came over with the champagne and we slept together, I went to the grocery store but while shopping, I passed out. Before I left home, I ate breakfast so I was not hungry. My period was not due until next month either so it must have been something else.
I don't know who called the ambulance but whoever it was, I wanted to give them a huge hug. As soon as I got to the hospital, the doctor took a blood and urine test and told me that I was pregnant. I started screaming (happily of course) in the office.
I could not wait to tell Justin the good news. I called him three times when I got back in my car in the parking but he was not answering.
You know what, it'll be better to tell him in person so I could see his face. I decided to drive to his house.
We still didn't tell his parents about us but at this point, I didn't care. I was just so happy about my pregnancy that it didn't matter if this was how they find out about us being together.
When I pulled up in front of his house, I was shocked at what I saw. The police was leading Justin into their car.
What the fuck. I stopped my car in the middle of the street, got out, and ran to him.
"Justin! What the fuck is going on?!! What did you do?"
"Ma'am I need you to step away from him. He can't speak right now."
I looked at him and saw tears in his eyes.
Tears fell out of my eyes too. "I'm pregnant, Justin." I rubbed my belly.
He smiled. I knew he wanted to hug me and kiss me but he couldn't.
I stood staring at him as they put him in the back of the car and drove away.
His parents were looking at the scene from upstairs through the window.
Beep. Beep. "Hey! Move your car! You're causing traffic!" An old man yelled at me.
"Sorry!" I ran to my car and drove around the car. I parked it and started crying.
What did Justin do? Why was he going to jail?
I turned on the radio for answers.
"This just in. We finally caught the suspect in the Marcus Stevens and Tasha Reid case. It's his brother, Justin Stevens!"
As soon as I heard it, my heart started racing. I felt nauseous. I opened my door and started vomiting in the street. Luckily, I had water with me. I drank it, closed the door, and turned off the radio. I didn't want to hear it anymore.
What the fuck! How am I supposed to raise a child by myself?! How many years was he gonna spend in jail?
I had so many questions. I couldn't believe he did this. I kept thinking about his motive when I remembered that day he told me about Marcus sleeping with Tasha. We all knew Marcus was a mischievous person but that didn't give him the right to kill them. There was no way he was coming out of jail now. I had no choice but to move on. I loved him but I couldn't be with this monster.
Don't worry baby, mommy's gonna take good care of you with or without a father. I rubbed my belly and smiled. We are in this together.

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