Chapter 62: The "Suspect"

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Justin P.O.V
It's had been two weeks now since my parents came to stay with me and every day has been a living hell. The police have been calling us nonstop and coming over to update us on their investigation and on top of that, my mom and Paul have not stopped crying. All night, I can hear them from my room. I should've rented a hotel room or slept at Destiny's place but I would've felt bad because they needed my support right now.

Part of me was starting to regret what I had done, but the other part of me was happy because Marcus was no longer around to sleep with the women I date. I don't think he would've slept with Destiny because they were really good friends from school but at the same time, you never know. He was always a sneaky person so anything was possible with him. I was just glad that I did not have to put up with him and his shit anymore. I could finally live my life the way I wanted to.

"Good morning, Justin. How are you? Are your parents here? I have some information to share with all of you. I think we found out who the killer is"

Detective Myers was standing outside my house waiting for me to let her in. My mom and Paul were eating breakfast at the table.

"Hi, Detective. Uh yeah, they are. Come in."

Shit. Did I accidentally leave a clue at Marcus' house? I was freaking out. Stay calm, Justin. Stay calm.

"Good morning Detective. Would you like some coffee?" my mom was in the kitchen standing by the coffee maker.

"Yes, thank you."

The detective said down with Paul while my mom brought the coffee to her. I stood next to Paul's chair.

"So my team and I went to the prison and it turns out Marcus and an inmate got into a fight one day. The other inmates recall him telling Marcus he would get his men to kill him once he gets out."

"Omg, what! We never knew that! Who is this inmate?" My mom had a shocked look on her face. I don't know why when we all knew Marcus and what he is capable of doing.

Paul tried to hold his tears back while he held my mom's hand.

"His name is Richard Simmons. He got arrested for selling drugs. Apparently, he found a way to get drugs from outside the prison and started to sell them in there to inmates. Marcus was a regular customer. When he ran out of money to buy, he started stealing them from Richard. One night, Marcus broke into his cell to steal them and Richard caught him and that's when the fight happened."

Bingo! Marcus was always starting shit. I was glad the police thought Richard killed him.

"What! I can't believe that's what he was doing with the money we sent him every two weeks! I told him to stop! He just doesn't listen!" Paul started yelling.

"Calm down, Paul, please." mom was trying to comfort him.

"That is ridiculous. I can't believe this. So do you have Richard in custody?" I asked.

"Yes, but he swore he did not do it. Given his history with Marcus, we think he's lying. Right now, we are going to contact the names of his men and interview them."

"He is! He threatened to kill him and now he's dead; what a coincidence!" I shouted, pretending to react to the situation. If I just stayed quiet, it would be too obvious.

"Not so fast, Justin. Let's not jump to conclusions yet. We still have work to do. Until then, I will continue to keep you all updated."

We all shook her hand and thanked her then she left.

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