Chapter 4: The Incident

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Justin's P.O.V

I watched as Tasha slept in the passenger seat. Her soft, beautiful face shinning. I loved her so much and hated lying to her but I couldn't tell her the truth about Marcus and our estranged relationship. She would ask too many questions and I didn't want to spend the next hour or two reliving my past.

I remember that day like it was yesterday. My mom and stepdad went to a banquet for one of their friends and left Marcus and I at home. We were both 18 years old so we didn't need a babysitter. We could practically do whatever we wanted. We smoked on the roof then played music in our room and chilled. I was so tired that I fell asleep. I didn't hear when Marcus got up and left the house. All I heard was when our bedroom door slam and Marcus yelling, "we just won the fucking jackpot, baby!" I jumped up from his shouting.

I turned around to see him sitting on his bed with a black bag. "Justin, come check this out!" I walked over to his bed to a bag full of jewelry. "What the fuck, Marcus! Whose jewelry is this and why did you steal it?!"
"Shhh, our neighbors are sleeping! Be quiet!" He started whispering, " I stole it from the old lady down the street." I looked at him with a disgusted look. "This is not fucking funny, Marcus! You are gonna take that back now!"

"Are you stupid?! This is worth so much money. I could pay my college tuition and buy a car with this." He said.

"Yes but it's not right to steal. Take it back before I do it for you." I proceeded to pick up the bag but he pulled it away. "Ok, I'll take it back" he went out the room with the bag and I went back to bed. I couldn't sleep again so I turned on the tv and searched for a movie on Netflix.

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