Chapter 13: What happens in the Parking Lot stays in the Parking Lot

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Tasha P.O.V
I should've never drank on an empty stomach now I'm tipsy and hungry asf. When we pulled up to Wendy's, I already knew what I wanted to order. The line was very long inside so we decided to get our food at the drive through. I got fries and nuggets with Sprite, Justin got a Bourbon Bacon Cheeseburger with fries and a Coke, and Marcus got a Dave's Double with fries and Sprite. We parked under a tree outside the restaurant. I couldn't wait to eat the nuggets. I quickly opened my sauce packet and motioned to pour it on them when a bee flew in the car. I swung my hand to hit it away causing my sauce to spill all over my bath suit. I looked into my bag to find tissues but there weren't any. "What the fuck!" Justin shouted. "They gave me the wrong order! Now I have to go back over there and the line is is long asf!" "I'm sorry baby." I touched his shoulder. "It's fine, I have to use the bathroom anyway so I might as well just go inside. I'll be back." He got out and slammed the door.

Marcus turned around to find me drenched in the barbecue sauce. "Do you have napkins in your bag, Marcus?
"Nope but I can help you clean it up."
"How? With your t-shirt?" We started laughing.
"No, my tongue." I kept laughing but he was serious.

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