Chapter 35: New Job, New Life

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Tasha P.O.V
After lunch,  Justin took me to his company for a tour. It was nice. Messy with a bunch of files all over the place but still nice. He had a huge bookshelf filled with law books and pictures on his desk. I glanced over and saw one of his mom and dad, him and Marcus when they were kids, and one with him and a woman dressed in matching Christmas sweaters sitting on the steps of what looked like his parents house. His arms were around her and they were staring into each other's eyes while laughing.
Who was this woman? And why was she wearing matching sweaters with him? This photo looked a bit intimate for it to be a family member and I knew damn well he didn't have a sister so she must be his girlfriend.
I was just about to ask about her when he shouted, "And here's your office!"
We walked into a small room with a chair and a desk. It also had a computer and printer. There wasn't much to it but I still liked it. "It feels like home already." I smiled. My office was right next to his. "Where's the rest of the staff?"
"This is it! It's just you and me. Occasionally, the janitor comes by to clean but besides that, it's just the two of us. I own this place."
"Nice." I pretended to look happy but deep down inside I wanted to slap him for not being single. For looking happy with another woman that wasn't me.
I wanted to do something to take my mind off of this so I said, "You said you needed help with some tasks?"
"Oh right! Yes, give me a few minutes I'll be right back."
I sat at my desk and waited.
Working here might be a disaster. What if I come face to face with her? How will I react? Does she know about me? So many questions filled my mind. I wanted to curl up into a ball and cry.

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