Chapter 7: Guilty as Charged

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Marcus P.O.V
I just got the shower and started getting dressed when I heard police sirens. I started sweating. I hope they don't come knocking on our door.

I returned to the room to find Justin gone. Omg, where is he? I hope he doesn't go in the backyard or the basement! I ran downstairs to find him drinking a glass of juice.

"Hey, is something wrong? You look a little worried." He said. "Uh, no I was just looking for you. Do you want to watch a movie or play 2K?"
"Sure, we can play 2K. You can go start it. I'll wash this glass then I'll come."

I nodded in agreement then went upstairs. Whew, that was close.

Justin's P.O.V
Marcus must think I don't know him. I know he didn't return that jewelry. After he left the room to go downstairs, I heard noise in the backyard. I went to the window and saw him digging a hole. No matter how quiet he tries to be, he is always loud! I know he also hid his shoes in the basement. While he was in the shower, I came downstairs and looked around and couldn't find it so I checked the basement and saw it in a corner. This idiot if I was he police, I would arrest him for being dumb. You left so much evidence out in the open.

I heard the shower stop and assumed he would come down here looking for me so I got a glass, poured some juice and started drinking it. I don't even like this fruit juice but I had to make it look like I was actually enjoying it.

I also heard the police sirens and knew he would start freaking out. In a matter of minutes, I know they would be coming to our house because everyone knows Marcus is trouble.

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