Chapter 8: Knock knock, it's the Police

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Mrs. Rose P.O.V
Boom, boom, boom! I just finished drinking my tea in the kitchen when I heard the knock on my front door. "Mrs. Rose, open up. It's the police." I heard a woman say. "Coming dear!" I made my way to the door.

"Hi Mrs. Rose, I'm officer, Lewis. This is officer, Willis. We received a phone call from you an hour ago. May we come in so you can tell us what happened?" I stepped aside and motioned for them to come in. "Would you both like some tea?" I asked.
"No, thank you." The woman smiled while her colleague glanced around my house.
I sat them down on the couch and watched as she pulled out her notepad and pen. "Okay, whenever you're ready, we can start."

I took a deep breath then started to speak. I didn't hold anything back. Before they could ask me questions, I moved toward the dvd and pressed play. "See? I caught the bastard on camera and he lives right up the street. His name is Marcus Stevens and his house number is 425."

They got up from their seats and walked toward the tv to get a closer look. "Thanks for the evidence, Mrs. Rose. Would you mind giving us this so we can take it to the station?" said officer Lewis.

"Of course, dear!" I quickly took it out the dvd and handed it to her colleague who had an empty brown bag opened in front of me. I dropped it in and they started walking to the door. Officer Lewis was way ahead of him. "Come on, Willis. Let's go catch this thief!"
I closed the door behind them and smiled. I couldn't wait for them to throw his ass behind bars.

Justin's P.O.V
I was just about to head upstairs to play 2K with Marcus when I heard a loud banging on the door. "Open up, it's the police!" Haha finally someone called the cops on that idiot. I thought about running upstairs to go tell Marcus so he could hide but I didn't. I was tired taking the fall for him. Ever since we were kids, I lied to protect him. It's time he learned his lesson the hard way.

I walked toward the door and opened the door. "Are you Marcus Stevens?" the woman asked. "No, I'm his brother, Justin. Marcus is upstairs in the bedroom." I pointed upstairs and motioned for them to follow me.

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