Chapter 51: Late Night Run

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Marcus P.O.V
After Destiny and I finished putting up the flyers, I went to Chick-Fil-A to get dinner. I didn't want to go home because Tasha would get suspicious about me leaving the house in the middle of the night. I decided to go to a nearby park and sit on a bench until the sun went down. Tasha texted me and told me she was not feeling well. She said she thinks she might be pregnant but wanted me to bring home a pregnancy test just in case.

Yes! My plan was almost complete. The only thing left was for Justin to find out! It would ruin him. I was not ready to be a father but I wanted to get her pregnant just to get back at Justin - that was my motive all along. I couldn't wait to see the look on his face. I might take a video of him and post it on Facebook for my friends to watch; this was going to be the best revenge ever.

I looked at my phone and saw that it was 9 pm. Everyone had disappeared from the park. It was just me and a homeless man sitting on another bench. This might be the perfect time. I also had to leave quickly before the pharmacy closed at 10.

I got up and headed to my car. When I arrived at Justin's office, the streets were clear. I parked around the corner. I didn't want to draw attention to myself so I wore a black t-shirt and hat. I ran as fast as I could to the locations where Destiny and I posted the flyers earlier. I ripped them down and left them in the street. I had to make it look like a crazy group of drunk teenagers did it. Besides, there was no garbage bin nearby so where else would I put it.

I finished in 30 minutes. I was sweating and out of breath but I was glad it was over. I went back to my car and drove to the nearest pharmacy.

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