Chapter 57: An Angry Man Is A Crazy Man

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Justin P.O.V
I stood in the dark hiding under the stairs when I heard footsteps. Shit. They were coming. My heart started to race. I was sweating and shaking but not because I was scared but because I wanted to fuck him up.
"Hello? Is anyone down here?"
I listened and waited till he got closer.
"Whoever it is, you need to the fuck outta my house or I'll fuck you up and call the police!"
He was also angry but I was furious. No one could say or do anything to calm me down. Marcus was gonna get the beat down of his life tonight.
His footsteps started appearing.
One. Two. I counted in my head.
Three! I ran out from under the stairs and punched him in his face. We both fell under the floor and started punching each other. My hat and his bat fell on the floor.
Tasha started screaming. She turned on the light and yelled, "Justin! What are you doing here?!"
I didn't stop to look at her. I kept punching Marcus in the face.
"You are a fucking piece of shit. How could you betray me like that and sleep with my fucking girlfriend and get her pregnant!!"
Marcus had an evil smile on his face.
"That's what you get fucking sending me to jail! You are a traitor!"
"Jail?!! That's where you were all these years? I thought you said you were in Germany! You are a fucking liar, Marcus!"
"How many times do I have to tell you I didn't fucking call the cops on you!"
I stopped punching him and started banging his head on the floor. His face and head were bloody.
He tried to fight me back but I had the upper hand tonight. There was no way he could get me off of him.
"Stop Justin! You're gonna kill him!" Tasha ran and tried to pull me off him.
"Get off of me! You're a hoe! I can't believe I was gonna marry you!" I pushed her away and she stumbled back and fell hitting her head on the floor.
As much as I hated her right now, I didn't want anything bad to happen to her or the baby. It was innocent.
I got off of Marcus and ran to her. "Omg, Tasha are you okay?"
"Tasha, wake up!" I was shaking her but she didn't budge.
"Get the fuck up, Marcus! We need to call an ambulance!"
I looked over at him but he was also unconscious.
Fuck! What the fuck did I do!
I can't call the cops right now I'll go to jail if they came and found me here alone with too injured people!
I ran out the house and to my car.
I'm gonna the police then drive off. No that'll be too risky what if they trace the call and see that I was at his house. Think Justin think.
I'll drive to a nearby McDonalds then call them in the parking lot. Perfect.
"911, what's your emergency?"
"Hi, I don't like to report a break in at my brother's house."
"Okay, where does he live?"
"I don't know I've never been to his house. He just moved in."
"Sir, is this a game? How do you not know where your brother lives?"
"No, no it's not a game. I was on the phone with him and he said he heard a noise and was going downstairs to see who it was. He said he was gonna call me back but didn't. He hasn't been answering when I called him. Please go check, I think something is wrong!"
"Okay, okay calm down! I'll trace his number in the system and find his location."
"Thank you so much!"
"We'll let you know what we find."
"Okay, great. Bye."
I felt relieved. I pulled out of the McDonalds parking lot and was about to go home when I remembered something.
Fuck! I forgot to pick up my hat in Marcus' house.
I turned my car around and drove quickly.
Luckily, his neighbors were still asleep.
I opened the door with the spare key and went in.
Tasha and Marcus were on the floor right where I left them.
"Tasha? Marcus?" I went over and shook them but they didn't move. They were dead.
I couldn't believe I killed them.
I cannot go to jail! My entire career and life would be ruined. I needed to get out before the cops came.
I found my hat and left.
Thank god I was wearing gloves so they wouldn't get my fingerprints.

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