Chapter 28: You're Hired

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Justin P.O.V

I was sitting at my desk at work when I heard my laptop ding. Destiny's email appeared in my inbox. I opened it and a smile came over my face. I didn't bother to interview her because I knew she had a strong work ethic, was very organized, prompt, and she had a stellar resume. I could definitely use her skills in the office.
I immediately emailed her back saying:

Hi Destiny, it's so nice to hear from you! I would love to offer you this position. Your personality and skills would be perfect for my company.

Of course, I would love to catch up. We can meet for lunch today at 12 so I can tell you more about your responsibilities and salary. Let me know if you'll be free then.


Now that she was a part of the team. I needed to ask Marcus for help with keeping her and Tasha away from each other. I texted him.

Justin: Hey Bro, I just offered Destiny the job. I need you help with something.

Marcus: That is amazing! 🎉 Sure, what's up?

Justin: I don't want Tasha and Destiny near each other ever because I'm afraid Destiny might tell her how we know each other. Can you help me make sure they never meet?

Marcus: Sure, whatever you need bro. You can always count on me.

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