Chapter 46: It's Not What It Looks Like

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Justin's P.O.V
When Destiny kissed me, I was shocked but I still enjoyed it. For years, I had imagined what it would be like to kiss her. Her lips were so pink and soft. Back in middle school, I would fantasize about where we would do it because I wanted it to be a romantic first kiss experience. I initially planned on doing it at the dance but we all know what happened at that moment. After she went to the dance with Chris, my thoughts about kissing her and telling her how I felt went out the window. I instantly felt sick to my stomach whenever I saw them hugging and laughing while on the way to class. She almost became a distant memory to me until Marcus reached out and told me that she was looking for a job.

Again, those memories that I erased from my mind had resurfaced. When I saw how good she looked the first time she met up with me for lunch to talk about the role, I immediately fell back into her trap.  Why did she have to be so beautiful?

Tasha was pretty too but Destiny was on another level of pretty. Almost like Beyonce or Toni Braxton. And to top it off, she had a bangin body. I stared at her while she walked off to get the book on her bookshelf. As much as I wanted to, I could not fight the temptation. I was hard and needed to do something about it but I didn't know how so when she kissed me, I took this as an opportunity to go all in. I laid her on the desk and started making out with her.
She started to take my shirt off when we heard a woman shouting, "What the fuck is going on in here?!!"
I turned around to see a furious Tasha standing at the door. Two cheese burgers and drinks were on the floor.
I jumped and got off of Destiny. "Tasha, what are you doing here?"
I walked up to her and started buttoning my shirt.
She slapped me. "Who the fuck is this bitch? And why is she all over you!"
"Calm down please, this is my new Assistant Destiny and it's not what it looks like."

She did not want to hear those words. "Destiny! That's what you came here for do? Spread your little chicken legs for your boss instead of working?!!"
Destiny didn't say a word. She just stood at her desk in silence.
"I'm talking to you bitch! Answer me before I come pull that wig off your bald headed ass!"
Tasha attempted to run over to her but I grabbed her and took her out the room.
"Let go of me, Justin! Is this what you wanted me to come here over! You are a dirty dog!"
Marcus came out of my office to watch the drama unfold.
"I didn't tell you to come here!"
"Yes, you did! You texted me! What do you have amnesia now? That bitch dirty lips kissed you and now you can't remember shit!"
"I did not text you!"
"So what does this say then?" She stuck her phone up in my face.
"I swear I did not send that!"
"Shut the fuck up, Justin! I catch even look at you right now! Here take your ring back and give it to that hoe cuz I don't want it!"
She threw it at me and stormed out the office.

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