Chapter 23: Actually, I always had feelings for him

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Destiny P.O.V
Finally, the question I'd been waiting to hear all night! "Hell no we're not! I dumped that bastard six months ago!" I didn't hesitate to tell him.
"What? Why? I thought you guys were gonna get married and live happily ever after?" He said with a smirk on his face.

"I thought so too until he cheated on me with my best friend. You probably remember her. Kelsey Peters."

"NOO WAY! What?! How could Kelsey do that to you?" His eyes lit up in shock.

"Because she's a traitor and a hoe. Fuck that bitch and fuck him too. They deserve each other."

"Yes, they do! So who are you dating now?"

"No one. I-I" I started to hesitate as I didn't know how to say this but it's so long since I've seen him, I needed to tell him the truth.

"I actually love Justin. He was always so sweet to me during middle school. I felt so stupid for choosing Chris over him. I didn't realize how much I loved him until you guys moved away but at that point there was nothing I could do so I kept Chris around because it was convenient"

He smiled at my confession then said, "I am so glad to hear that. I think you should definitely tell Justin how you feel. You know he's had strong feelings for you since day one."

"Yeah, I'm hoping we can become something more than friends but it's going to take time you know since this is the first time we'll be seeing each other after 15 years."

"Exactly but it'll happen faith brought you guys back on each other's path."

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