Chapter 53: Am I Pregnant?

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Tasha P.O.V
After I ate breakfast this morning, I went to do laundry in the basement. As I was putting our clothes into the washing machine, I started to feel nauseous. I immediately ran upstairs to go to the bathroom. I initially thought it was a reaction to something I ate yesterday but then I remembered that I had not gotten my period for about two weeks. Now before you say, "two weeks?!! Bitch are you dumb? Why didn't you take a test a long time ago?" You need to consider that these past few weeks I've been stressed so that could've delayed it. Even though I was glad that I was staying with Marcus, I still missed Justin. We'd been together for so long that it was hard to just let all those memories fade away so quickly. I tried to do things to relieve my stress like having sex (of course), doing yoga, and meditating but when I laid down to sleep at night, my mind was still on him.

When I finished vomiting, I drank some water and laid in bed for the rest of the day until Marcus came home with the pregnancy test. I really hope I wasn't pregnant. I hated Justin right now but I didn't hate him that much to the point where I would get pregnant by his brother to get back at him. The sex with Marcus was just supposed to be casual but a baby would change everything. It would make us a family. Something that I always said I wanted with Justin. This was a very complicated situation. How the fuck was I gonna explain this to Justin's parents? My parents? I wish I could've undo things but the damage was already done and there was no turning back now. I had to put my big girl panties on and deal with it.

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