Chapter 52: Big Brother Is Always Watching

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I was working on a case in my office when I heard a noise coming from outside. I peeped through my window and saw a man dressed in a t-shirt and black hat. I recognized that face anywhere. The street light in front of my office revealed it. Marcus? What is he doing here and why is he tearing down Tasha's missing posters? Something seemed off. I thought about going outside to confront him but he would just make up an excuse and lie to my face. Instead, I decided to follow him.

I ran to get my jacket and car keys. Yup, that was his car. I drove behind him but maintained a good distance so he wouldn't see me. "Where is he going in such a hurry?"

I saw him pull up in front of the pharmacy down the street. "Was he ill? Why would he keep something like this from me?"

I parked my car in a dark alley and went inside. I walked into another aisle hiding behind a shelf.

"Hi, I'm here to buy a pregnancy test please." He was standing at the counter.

Pregnancy test?! He has a girlfriend? Since when?

"Sure. Which one."

"I don't know. Give me a second please I'm gonna call her."

I guess I'm about to find out who my sister-in-law is

"Hey, Tasha, which test do you want?"

Tasha?! Tasha as in my Tasha? That better not be her. I immediately felt lightheaded. I took a step back and knocked over a glass bottle from the shelf. I quickly ran through the back door.

What the fuck! There better be another Tasha in this fucking town!

I needed to find out who she was and I needed to do it tonight. I got into my car and waited for him to leave the pharmacy.


I played meditation music in the car to calm my nerves so I would stop myself from fucking him up. If he did this to me, he would be dead to me. I would lock him off and never speak to him again for the rest of my life. I was doing fine when he was in jail so I wouldn't mind not speaking to him.

When he pulled up to his house, I was expecting the woman to come out and greet him at the door but she didn't. He opened the door with his keys and went in. I didn't want to go inside right away, I wanted to surprise them. I decided to wait till they fell asleep then I would break in.

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