Chapter 20: An Old Flame

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Marcus P.O.V
As soon as I got home from Justin's house, I took out my phone and texted Destiny.

Marcus: Hey D, what's up?

Destiny: Hey Marcus! It's been a long time! How are you?

Marcus: I'm chilling, wbu?

Destiny: Same.

Marcus: Listen, I recently got back in town and would love to catch up. Wanna go to Rusty's to grab drinks tomorrow?

Destiny: Yeah, sure. What time?

Marcus: Let's meet at 8

Destiny: Cool. See you then.

Growing up, Justin had the biggest crush on her. We went to the same kindergarten and middle school together. He would always write their names in his notebook and draw a heart around it. When we were in middle school, I always encouraged him to ask her out but he was so shy that every time he tried to, he would start sweating and stuttering. He pretended to act cool in front of her and talk "normal" but deep down inside, he wanted to slam her against the lockers in the hallway and make out with her and tell her how much he loved her.

I could've told Destiny that he liked her but I wanted him to face his fears. If he always let me do the talking, he would never develop the guts to talk to her himself.

"Come on Bro, just ask her to the dance and stop being a pussy" Justin and I were in our room talking about our school prom.

"You know I can't do that."

I rolled my eyes at him. "You need to man up. You'll have to learn how to talk to girls someday. How else would you get married? She could say no but she could also say yes but you'll never know if you don't ask!"

He paused then said, "you know what, I think you're right I will ask her tomorrow!" He started smiling.

The next morning, he put on a brand new polo T-shirt, a pair of jeans, and sprayed some of dad's Versace cologne. "Woo! Today is gonna be a good day!" He shouted.

I laughed and grabbed my backpack then we headed out the door.

Destiny was standing at her locker putting on her lipgloss. Justin and I stood at our lockers watching her. "Should I walk up to her now?"

"Yes! You got this!" I patted him on the back.

I watched as he made his way over to her. He was about two seconds away from her locker when Chris jumped in front of her with a sign that said, "Will you go to the dance with me?"

Her face automatically lit up. Chris was on the basketball team. "Sure Chris, I'd love to!"

Justin immediately turned around to face me and I saw the sadness written all over it. I felt broken for my brother. He didn't say a word to me when he came back over to my locker.

When we went home, he laid in bed crying and refused to eat for a few days.

"I'm sorry, bro," I said.

"I'm such a fucking idiot. I should've asked her sooner but I let fear get the best of me. I don't wanna go to the dance anymore."

Although Destiny broke Justin's heart, I still talked to her. She sat right next to me in our classes so it was almost impossible to avoid her. Plus, she was a cool chick so I decided to maintain our friendship.

It's been years since she saw me. She didn't know anything about my arrest. In fact, after I was imprisoned my parents and Justin moved away. They didn't want people teasing Justin at school or their colleagues gossiping about their troubled son at work so to avoid that, they decided to relocate. The excuse that they told their colleagues and our teachers was that my dad got a promotion at work which required the family to move to Colorado. So for the past fifteen years, that's where they lived.

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