Chapter 64: It's Not Him

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Justin P.O.V
I just came out of the shower and got dressed when I heard my mom and Paul talking downstairs. The detective came back to tell us what they found.
I was anxious to hear the results so I rushed downstairs to make sure I made it in time to hear everything.
"Hi Justin. How are you? Please take a seat, you'll want to hear this."
The detective smiled at me but she had an unpleasant look. I hope one of Richard's men was guilty.
"So we interviewed Richard's men and went back to search Marcus' house. We couldn't find their DNA anywhere in the house so they definitely did not murder Marcus and Tasha. They were all at a bar on 7th avenue  drinking that night. We confirmed with the bartender that they were there."
"Omg! Then who could it be then? Who killed our son?" Mom started crying.
Paul just stared at the detective without saying a word.
"What! That's impossible! This doesn't make any sense." I said.
The detective paused. Looked down at the floor then at me and said, "Justin where were you the night of the murder?"
Fuck. How did they find out?!
I started getting nervous. I wanted to pee my pants.
"Excuse me, detective, what does Justin have to do with this?" Mom's voice suddenly changed from sad to furious.
" I am so confused right now!" Paul was furious too.
"I'm confused too, detective. I was here at home."
She nodded but I could tell she didn't believe me one bit.
"You were the one who made the 911 call right? You said you were on the phone with Marcus then he told you someone was trying to get into his house and he was gonna see who it was and call you back right?"
Fuck. Fuck. I'm going to jail!
"Yes, that's right." I kept looking at her. I didn't want to look at my parents I couldn't.
"Okay. First off, you just lied to me. You weren't at home that night. We traced your phone when you called us and saw you at Wendy's. The same Wendy's that was about 10 minutes away from the crime scene. You told us that you didn't know where Marcus lived yet you happened to be in his neighborhood the same night he was murdered. Why were you there, Justin?"
"What! Detective, there must be some mistake here! Are you saying Justin might be a suspect in his brother's murder?" Mom looked like she wanted to faint.
Paul's face was turning red.
I felt my pants getting wet.
"I was picking up some food to go home, that's all."
"If that's all you were doing, then why was your pen found in his house?" She took it out and started clicking it in front of me.
Fuck. It must have fallen out of my pocket when I was beating the shit out of Marcus.
I didn't know how to cover up this one. It was clear that they already knew it was me.
"Okay! Okay! It was Me! I killed them after I found out he and Tasha were sleeping with each other and she was pregnant! I didn't mean to kill Tasha it was an accident! Mom, Paul I'm so sorry!"
"Justin Stevens you are under arrest for the murders of Marcus Stevens and Tasha Reid. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you..." The detective placed the handcuffs on me and started to walk me out the house when I felt a hard slap across my face.
"You are dead to me, Justin! How could you do this to your own brother!" My mom stormed off crying.
Paul yelled, "get the fuck out of here! I didn't expect this from you at all! How could you hurt us like this!"
Tears ran down my eyes. The detective walked me out to the car.

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