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Chapter 8

I waited at home on the balcony watching the sun set in the sky. Tomorrow isn't going to be exactly easy. I could just mess around. Let Kakashi give me his little lesson then make sure Naruto eats when we are told not to feed him but, wouldn't it be something if I can get them to actually act as a team? To not go against each other. Then we'd pass in the beginning, right? "I'm home." Aphrodite's voice came from behind me. She sounded rather tired for a change causing me to look over my shoulder at her.

"Tired?" I ask her as I stand, from her hesitation I decided to speak again. "Too tired to train?"

"You should know me, I'm never too tired to train but..." Turning to her I tilt my head slightly to the right.

"But what?" I ask before walking past her through the door way that led from the balcony and into the living room.

"I. I have something for you... well more like a few things for you." She was stumbling over her words. What could she have gotten for me to make her act this way?

"I see, what is it that you got for me?" I ask stopping at the hallway that would lead to our rooms. Turning around I look at her just in time to see her disappear into the kitchen.

"Well.. I lets say Illegally obtained these. Just don't be mad okay." Don't be mad? She broke the laws of the village. Laws can be broken if absolutely necessary. Which means, whatever she got me isn't quite... necessary right? Following her into the kitchen my eyes widen looking at the counter. There sat a rather large box with scrolls piled up next to it.

"What.." I began but was cut off by Aphrodite who opened the box and held up a blood packet.

"I have noticed your lack of appetite lately. I knew it is only a matter of time before your fangs grow in. Plus..." She puts the packet down before motioning to the different sized scrolls. "I kind of sort of.. Broke into the Hokage Mansion and copied secret scrolls. And no I didn't do it all today. I've actually been working on these scrolls for ages now. I figured we could use them to learn from. Like different jutsu and what not but... these two scrolls." She picks up two normal looking scrolls one blue and one red. "One of these I have items stored inside of. Items to help us train and figure out what type of chakra you have so we know what Jutsu types you should focus on. This other one is a special type of scroll. It's expensive. This.. Is what I used my share of gramps money on. The guy at the shop calls it a food storage scroll. Meaning you can store your perishables inside this scroll like things that need refrigerated and they will stay good. Of course I knew you would tell me we need to test it so I already did. It works Kira.." She pauses setting the scrolls back down. "Meaning you can store your blood packs inside so you don't have to worry about missions and stuff and not being near the village for your supply." She... really thinks about me this much? I ask myself walking around the counter and picking up a random scroll.

Opening it I realize it's one with fire Jutsu. She even had went through the trouble to label their difficulty levels. "This is quite detailed Aphrodite.. Thank you." Seeing her eyes widen as a smile passes over her lips from the corner of my eye nearly made me smile in return. If we had been sent to different places seven years ago. What would I have done without her? It's actually quite simple really. I would have graduated in the middle of our class. I wouldn't be as strong as I am now, and I would still be mulling over how to gain access to blood. She really is... my right hand.

"Now tomorrow is your test with team seven. I took the liberty of buying you weapons and items I believe you may need for tomorrow. Knowing your team they won't want to work together so... Knowing you. You'll find ways to use these." Finally smirking at her I just now realize she had a smaller box on the floor in between her feet and the counter. She picks it up and holds it out for me to take.

Now What Have I Gotten Myself Into? ~Enter Konoha's number one knuckle headOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora