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-A man with sandy blond hair pulled back in a loose ponytail, his bright green eyes slit more like a cat's smiles at me as he turns my computer chair to more face my bed where I am sitting. "But, uncle. I don't get it. You said that mom knew where dad was and saved him but you never said how? Did she kill kin to get her answers?" The man before me reaches up and ruffles my hair as he lightly chuckles. "Nothing like that Kira. There is a power in the world. It is rare enough only a select few can truly harness it. It isn't necessarily a kin power either. There are a few humans who can use it, but none more so than your mom."

"Wow uncle, that makes her sound amazing! did she use it to kill all those kin and win the war? What kind of power is it? Can I do it to?!" He just laughs as he rests his hands on the arms of my computer chair. "No, no. It's nothing like that. And I suppose you could, we all have the possibility within us. But it takes something truly special, something that not only your soul can emit but your heart too." I puff out my cheeks and look away from him. "You're being cryptic, old man. Just come out and tell me already." It was then his smile falters. "Kira, your mother isn't as she seems. She's known as a fierce and heartless killer but that isn't true at all. Her heart is much larger than you know. Maybe someday you will understand." These words had me crossing my arms. "Uncle, ya goin senile. There is no heart at all in that woman."-

Opening my eyes with a yawn I look around me at my teammates. This time it was Sasuke still awake to keep watch as we rested on the tree branches above the ground. The moon was still high in the sky showing I hadn't managed to sleep for very long. Frowning I lean my head back against the tree and sift my fingers into my bangs, lifting them from my eyes as I peer up at the moon. That dream, was more of a memory from when I was young. There are a lot like it that I haven't thought about in a long time and I'm guessing all of the fighting going on around us, is what spurred this one since it was one of the times my uncle had spoke about the war. "Can't sleep?" Sasuke's voice breaks through my thoughts drawing my eyes to him a moment. Sighing I bring my knees up and move my hand from my bangs to rest my arm on my knees. "A memory." I speak quietly thinking about that conversation. "Sometimes it sucks having a photographic memory. It means I don't actually forget much of any conversation I have ever had." I mutter and rest my cheek on my arm. "That's not exactly true." He speaks up with a smirk as he watches me.

"You have forgotten quite a bit about what is suppose to happen in this world the entire time you've been here." Well, that's true. But is that my memory failing or is it I subconsciously wanted to let go of the memories. "True, but I would have to say that I chose not to remember. For at times I remember more than I had previously. Much like when I told Kakashi about what I know. Before that point I wouldn't allow myself to remember much but then I had remembered more when I spoke to him." I move my gaze back to him to see his smirk had faded. "I never watched beyond this point of your world. At least not much of it. I can't remember because I've never seen it."

"Hn." Sasuke grunts and looks up towards the moon briefly. "What was the memory you dreamed of?" This had me a bit confused. "It's not like you to pry." I point out causing a quiet chuckle to come from him. "Could be, I'm still trying to understand how your mind works." Well that could be true. This entire time I've only ever told him what he needed to know. He was even the last one to find out how old I am and that I'm not human. I guess it's surprising that he even actually cares about me at this point. "A conversation I had with one of my uncles when I was eight. It was one of the times he was teaching me about the Kin war that threatened my world. My mother was the one that lead our side against the darkness. and it was due to her that they won." Sighing I lift my head and look back up towards the moon. "He was telling me that my mom has a power that only a few develop. It matters not if you're human or kin because it's a special kind of power that isn't just regulated to one species or the other. That everyone has the possibility within them but you have to have something only your soul and heart can emit."

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