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Chapter 22

Hinata and Kiba had been gone long enough the sky behind the clouds darkened shadowing the cave even further. Kakashi had stood and moved to the mouth of the cave. Watching for our teammates. "I'm going to try it." I whisper feeling his growing worry, making him look back in my direction. Closing my eyes I tug on my energy tentatively half worried that I would feel sick again.

Expanding my energy outwards I slowly push it over the area only wanting to look as far as I need to. In case that sound happens again. Kakashi waits patiently probably only now realizing how I used to fight with my eyes covered. Standing I walk up next to him to the cave opening. Finally opening my eyes I smirk feeling him watching me. For some reason, I don't feel quite so alone. "They're on their way back." I speak as I look up at his warm gaze. "They are being careful and not moving too quickly so we have a few minutes before they get here."

"I see, pull your jutsu back for now." I nod to him and withdraw my energy, limiting it to only the cave. I look up feeling a bat shake it's fur almost as if it was still attempting to rid itself of the water from the rain. "Kira." Kakashi's voice pulls my attention back to him. Nearly tilting my head I give him a smile before turning my back to him so I was facing more towards the inside of the cave.

"Kakashi, you are a serious person. Easily bored with trivial situations. You are filled with pain so you use your books to try and escape from it. You aren't easily hurt by words just as you wouldn't really allow yourself to react openly if you did indeed feel the sting. You are a private person and you like to keep yourself at arms length away from everyone, probably to prevent adding to your inner pain." I take a few steps away from him before looking over my shoulder to meet the gaze I could feel on me. "We are more alike than most could ever realize with their own emotions clouding their eyes. So please, don't ever underestimate my deduction skills again. You are the one person I trust to react seriously to me without toying with me or trying to use me for their own agenda." I give him a smile before walking to the end of the cave and setting back down.

I could tell from the look in his eye he was about to say something before Hinata walks into the cave taking his attention away from me. Saved by the bell. I nearly smirk as he turns to look at her. "How'd it go, any leads?"

Hinata brushes the excess water off of her jacket before she turns to Kakashi. Kiba lands in front of the cave and begins walking in out of the rain. "I wasn't able to find anything." She speaks to him with a hint of exasperation lacing her words.

"Same here, unfortunately." Kiba pipes up as Akamaru shakes trying to dry his soaked fur. "There's not much we can really do in weather like this. Makes it almost impossible to pick up a scent."

Kakashi sighs. "Not what I was hoping for." It was then a new bat in the cave drips water down on Kiba as it tries to free itself from the rain. He grunts and looks up at the bats as if he was about to yell at them in order to scare them off.

"Even the bats are taking shelter." He growls before his eyes widen and he gasps. "The bats!" He breathes in realization.

"I'll go out and take one more look around." Hinata says standing between Kiba and Kakashi. Determined to not give up.

"Wait a minute!" Kiba speaks up drawing their attentions, making Hinata turn slightly to look over her shoulder at him. "Don't go." With those words Hinata makes a sound of question now more fully turning to him.

"Why? What is it, Kiba?" Kakashi asks looking away from Hinata and to Kiba as they both take note of Kiba's urgency.

"Well, I haven't been able to stop thinking about that dog whistle for some time now." Kiba grunts making me stand up and walk towards them.

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