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"Sad but true." Damen coos as his creepy smirk is back in place. "In our world power is everything. Without it, you will easily be killed and the wars will resume. It's a feeble peace that is more of a cease fire. Kira, being the next in line for the throne must have more power than the rest of us. Yet, she lacks the drive. Yes, the plan was if you failed our test to send you here and force your growth. However as with all of us, the power you can obtain can take you over. You can regress into a mindless beast that has to be put down." With his words my eyes widen remembering the times in battle that my body would act on it's own. I had wanted to harness that power but it was too risky in my opinion. "I see you realized this already." Damen chuckles and shakes his head. I found my hands curling into fists with my growing irrationality. Why is it, that hearing this when I had already suspected... Makes me so angry? It hurts that even my favorite uncle had a hand in this. It pisses me off to know that all of this has been the doing of all the adults. First they keep me in seclusion then decide to use my life with Light as a way to spur me to train. By sending Aphrodite to give me the first clues necessary. They were toying with my life, a life they didn't want anything to do with before that point. Sasuke's hand finds mine, as he forces my fist to uncurl and he laces our fingers together. This touch lessening my growing anger.

"So what's next? All of the ninja in this area have been evacuated leaving the Zetsu to roam freely. You cannot use them to get to me as you had planned. So does this mean we skip to the next phaze?" My voice flows from me coldly, without any lingering emotion. Covering my growing hatred for my family. Damen actually shrugs before looking back at the three behind them. They give him a nod before moving further back from him. "Yes, we will begin the main phase of your test. Do not misunderstand cousin. You having the ninja recalled is only one of the several possibilities your mother thought of. You protected their lives. So it's not like we are skipping a step." He explains and I feel Sasuke give a gentle squeeze of my hand. "So the next?" I ask and this time he actually laughs. Not his creepy laugh but a lightweight one. "Have your boyfriends step back. It's time to test your strength, if you can beat me then all this was a success. I've been told not to hold back so you will have to fight me with everything you've learned." Huh? A spar? "Not a spar." A bored tone comes up from the trees further ahead. Lucas leans against the tree looking as if this was too much work. "Mother said if you fail there is a real chance you will die." Tilting my head I watch him. Can he really hear my.. "Yes." He answers causing my eyes to widen. Well damn, good thing I'm not going against him, it would put me at a serious disadvantage. With these thoughts a lazy smile forms on his lips. Too bad I cant hear his thoughts. It'd give me some insight to not only what i can expect from Damen but also... I would like to get to know him. To see how his mind works things out, ya know? Shaking my head to free myself of those thoughts I release Sasuke's hand and turn to face them.

"Itachi." I speak bringing his eyes to me. "Sasuke." With his name Sasuke glances at me. "Not a chance Kira." Sasuke's low tone seethed with his usual anger. "Sasuke, trust me. Right now the Zetsu are loose with no one to drive them back. We cannot risk Kakashi or the other kage being forced to push their forces back this way. You and Itachi need to take up their battles so the alliance doesn't lose ground. Besides, this is a test of my skills right? I can't have my team jumping in to help. That would most likely piss off my mother." I found myself giggling lightly, reaching up I brush the hair from Sasuke's face. "Sasuke, I know you want to stay here and back me up if you need to. But it's a one on one fight so I'll be okay. Stay alive, I can't lose either one of you alright." I warn them and Itachi gives me a nod before he grabs onto Sasuke and pulls a pissed off little brother away from the area. I guess it helps that Itachi and I share command of our team. I mostly give the orders but Itachi is technically the leader.

I turn to face Damen with a sigh. "If I beat you, you will unlock this world from ours and leave. Right?" I ask him only causing him to frown. "Plan is that you will come with us if you pass. Your mother wants to start your real training." So, that's why there is more than just Damen and Aphrodite. If I pass this test of his it means I can beat him. The others are here to force me to return if necessary. Damn it... I'm not ready to lose Sasuke... or Itachi. But, I could make this work to my advantage. I wanted to confront my mother and find out how to turn someone so I wont lose anyone else right? "Fine, I win and you guys take me home. Once I complete my desired task I'll easily return." I shrug and raise my kunai again. First thing is first, test the waters. When facing an opponent that you know nothing about it's smart to not just charge in for an assault. Force them to show their hand then devise a strategy against it. Even though I know this. Damen can shoot light from his finger that can make someone a kid again. How the hell am I... I know.

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