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Chapter 29


Landing against the side of a tree, I keep myself in place with chakra as I crouch watching the snake. I can hear Sasuke's heavy breathing somewhere to my right. He wasn't exactly tired nor was he hurt. He was purely and one hundred percent. Afraid. "Sasuke." I speak calmly to him. "You need to calm down. Being consumed by fear will only allow irrational thinking which could get you killed in a fight." I remind him though I could feel my skin crawling with even the thought of that ninja. I may not be afraid to die. But, even I didn't walk away from that confrontation unscathed. Her power... Am I afraid of it?

It was then the scales just below the snake's head began to crack. Slowly... Disgustingly.. I found my eyes widening as I suck in a sharp breath. Snakes.... Could this ninja really be? If I wasn't about to be killed I would so smack myself for forgetting.. "I sense your fear and desperation. It's only natural. The prey must never let down it's guard. Not even for a moment." He says as he stands up out of the snake covered in the inner slime and blood of the reptile. Bleh... "In the presence of it's predator." His voice became rather sadistic as his long tongue ran along his disgustingly snake residue covered lips. If I had anything in my stomach, I think I would have just hurled. He then began to laugh mere moments before his body stretches like a snake as he winds himself up Sasuke's tree.


Before I could react two Kunai and three Shuriken came whizzing past and buried themselves into the tree. Directly in front of him. Forcing his movements towards Sasuke to stop. Looking up in the direction the weapons came from I feel a smile creep onto my features. "Looks like I came just in time!" The little annoying knuckle head yells down at us with his arms crossed and a sly smirk that echoes in the depths of his deep blue eyes. Never thought I would be glad to hear his loud mouth.

"Naruto!" Sakura's happy yell for him echoes in the immediate vicinity as I only give him an approving nod, once his eyes move from her to me. As if checking that we were alright.

"Oh, and by the way.. What was that password again?" He questions actually causing a relieved giggle to rupture through me. Yup, that's Naruto.

"Oh, forget it! I know it's you. You made it." Sakura snaps at him causing me to roll my eyes before looking back towards the ninja. I had been afraid of him? I'm not used to that feeling. Pinning him with an icy glare I watch his eyes fall on me with a smirk. I can't allow myself to be overcome with fear. I must survive. I must find a way to achieve my dreams. I can't die until I'm strong enough to get out of here and confront my Mother.

"Naruto! Get out of here! What are you thinking?! You don't know what you're up against!" Sasuke's desperation never leaving his voice even as he glares up at Naruto. "Hurry, go now. While you still can!"

"So Naruto, you managed to escape from my friend. Well done." Their eyes finally leave mine to look back up towards Naruto.

"Okay Okay, I don't know what's going on here! But you've been picking on my friends and I don't like that! So you better slither on back to your hole snake lady before I make a pair of shoes out of ya!" Naruto yells down. Feeling Sasuke's eyes on me I stand running a finger along the hilt of one of my blades.

"Sasuke." I speak with a hint of malice. "I know what you are thinking.. You can try but I won't let you near me with that look in your eyes. How about you take Sakura and get out of here." I pin him with a glare that causes his eyes to narrow on me. "Run away." I then watch his eyes go wide as I hear him suck in a breath. "Run away and survive." I now smirk seeing that dark shadow overcome his thoughts as I raise my head and straighten my shoulders. Trying to give off the vibe that he is inferior to me. I was able to watch his scarlet eyes darken to their usual deep depths.

Now What Have I Gotten Myself Into? ~Enter Konoha's number one knuckle headWhere stories live. Discover now