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As we were moving through the trees all of the fighting within my blanket was causing a vibration within me. I was having a difficult time discerning who or what any of the movement were. So I had to pull my blanket back closer to me. We have found ourselves periodically jumping into the frey just so Sasuke could train with his new shield. Even though it slowed us down neither Itachi or I could complain. It's a new power to him one that can only find it's true strength and shape in battle. He has to learn how to more easily draw it up and shape it so it can be done within the matter of seconds. I would rather stand on a tree watching him fight against Zetsus than to push him again like I did the first night. He didn't want to admit it but my attack against his shield still hurts. I know all too well the effects of such an attack and frankly I'm surprised he's doing as well as he is. I may heal faster than he does but it's from his experience with prolonged pain that allows him to fight through it. "Are you certain you are alright with this?" Itachi questions quietly watching his brother. "He needs to train with it." I mutter drawing his gaze to me. "I meant him using your own skill. Do you not have ill feelings towards copying another's jutsu?" I find myself chewing on my bottom lip as Sasuke brings out his shield in time to avoid an attack from Zetsu. "I can't say much against it. I mean years ago I memorized Naruto's shadow clone jutsu and even a few of Sasuke's own moves like the chidori. Helping him learn one of mine doesn't bother me." I inform him only to hear a small grunt from him.

"Then why do you hate it?" Finally looking away from Sasuke, I meet Itachi's gaze. Nearly frowning as his words sink in. "Am I really so transparent?" I ask him with a sigh before turning and following Sasuke who is now running along the ground looking for another fight. "No, I just know you." Itachi speaks quietly enough I almost couldn't hear him. He knows me huh. Well this is true. Out of everyone in this world, Itachi is the one who is like me the most. Therefor, he does know me best. "I am suppose to be this hotshot supernatural princess. Yet, what took me years to get to the point I'm at, Sasuke did in less than an hour." I mutter to him as we stop again when Sasuke confronts four more Zetsu. "You should be careful, jealousy often leads to hatred." Itachi speaks as I watch Sasuke my eyes widening as he emits himself in lightning thick enough it was as if he had coated himself in one large chidori and runs through one of them. Another one.. of my moves.. and he makes it look effortless. "It's good he's growing. I was worried that he'll end up getting himself killed lacking the rinnegan and your eyes. So, I can't complain." Even though I say this I still feel that anger inside of me. "Hell, at this rate all he needs to do is find his own flames and he can copy me almost perfectly."

These words drew Itachi's gaze to me nearly making me stiffen. I had truly meant them. If my power is what he needs he can have it. Though the emotions swirling in Itachi's eyes were telling me, he caught on to the building pit inside of me. I'm ashamed to admit it, but Itachi is right. If I'm not careful I'll end up hating myself. "Itachi." I speak up feeling a tear threatening to prick against my eye. "When we confront Damen and my siblings. If anything at all happens to me. Look after Sasuke. Beneath his anger and I don't care attitude. He's emotionally frail. Don't let him fall back into the darkness." Hn, Itachi grunts as we move forward again following after Sasuke. "I learned something from Kakashi when I had asked him to train with me a while back. He chose for us to train by climbing a cliff without any use of chakra. I couldn't really understand why at the time because if we were just building strength we could use weights or any other method to do so. On our way up I noticed how silly I must have looked compared to him from the way I clung to the rock side with my fear holding me back. Once we reached the top though, I was happy. It had gave me time to think and talk to him. That's when I realized the real purpose of the exercise. In our life there will be mountains or even cliffs that stand in our way. We will want to go around them or even wish for them to move so we can get through. Reaching the top doesn't matter, it's the journey we go through on our way that builds who we are. Because if not for the journey we wouldn't grow. I hope that someday, Sasuke can learn that as well." I try to give him a smile however it was unsuccessful. "What brought this on?" He asks from beside me and I nearly frown. "A feeling." Is all I needed to say and it isn't a lie. I've been so focused on my fear of losing Sasuke and Itachi that I've forced myself to ignore the churning. The very root of my fear. What will happen if I can't beat Damen and I fall at his hands?

Now What Have I Gotten Myself Into? ~Enter Konoha's number one knuckle headOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora