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Aphrodite without a word leaves Kira's apartment with the device in hand. She soon found herself standing outside of the Hokage's office. "So the Akatsuki are being led in the shadows by Obito Uchiha, and his main goal is to bring forth the ten tails and cast a genjutsu on the world. Causing a fourth great Shinobi war." Lady Hokage's voice reaches her and Aphrodite could clearly picture the weight of the information Kakashi had just told her. "So you are saying, Kira's full reason for doing everything has been to prevent this war."

"Yes." Kakashi answers from inside. "Are you sure she was telling the truth?" Lady Hokage questions sharply. When no answer came Aphrodite could only guess that Kakashi nodded his head in a silent response. Raising her free hand she gives a single knock on the door silencing their conversation. "Enter." Lady Hokage's voice speaks up and she opens the door. In time to see Kakashi pause as he was about to leave the room to give the Hokage some privacy. His dark eye moves from Aphrodite's gaze down to the device in her hand. "Aphrodite?" Lady Hokage questions drawing the Anbu's gaze. "My Lady. Kira left the village." With those words Kakashi intakes a breath as Tsunade's gaze hardens. "So she didn't leave the Akatsuki afterall." She assumes and Aphrodite steps further into the office. Now holding the electronic in both of her hands. "She left for another reason My Lady." With that Kakashi turns and watches as Aphrodite lights up the thing in her hands and holds it out for the Hokage to look at.

"What is this?" Tsunade hisses in confusion. "I've never seen such cryption." Kakashi steps up to the desk as Tsunade holds the thing out to him. He almost inaudibly gasps as he sees the writing. "She used to keep documents with the same characters back when team 7 first formed." He breathes out. "It's actually written in english. The native human language in our dimension. It's meant for me." Aphrodite explains as she takes the device back from them. "She wants me to retrieve Sasuke's parents from the town you had an encounter with Orochimaru in just before Jiraiya and Naruto found you and take them to the ancient Uchiha hideout. It says she wants to finally put an end to the Uchiha conflict, without bloodshed. My guess it means, she's going after Sasuke and Itachi herself and will meet me there."

"But to do that she would need to find them first." Tsunade mutters as she leans forward in her seat and folds her hands in front of her face. Aphrodite just simply shakes her head. "Actually My lady. I believe she already knows where they both are. As she explained to Kakashi, she knows what is about to happen so it isn't too far fetched to believe she knows Orochimaru's current location as well as where Itachi will be. Meaning, I may have a few days at most to retrieve Sasuke and Itachi's parents and then take them to the hideout. She's probably expecting me to leave tonight."

Tsunade sighs and closes her eyes a moment. The doubt she had when she listened to Kakashi threatening to ebb away. It was clear to her that the ones standing before her truly believe Kira. "It's hard to believe their parents are still alive." Tsunade nearly chuckles and Aphrodite openly smiles drawing their attentions back to her. "The night of the Uchiha Massacre, Kira went to the Uchiha Compound with the sole purpose of saving Fugaku and Mikoto. When she came back the next day she did tell me she succeeded in doing so as well as she got them out of the village so that Sasuke's path wouldn't change at that time, that he needed to leave the village and go to Orochimaru. If he didnt, Naruto wouldn't have left for three years to train with Jiraiya and Sakura wouldn't have trained under you. She said the three of them needed to be trained by the legendary Sannin so that they may reach their true potential and surpass the three of you."


And just like that. I was on my own. For the first time since entering this world I didn't have someone at my side that I can rely on to help me with my objective. If I were sitting back in my bedroom in front of a tv and computer it would be just like when I had helped Light. Frowning at my thoughts I kick off of a tree, propelling myself forward. My plan runs through my mind nearly making me click my tongue in annoyance. To accomplish what I have in mind. I have to move faster. With that thought in mind I pick up my pace. The collar of my spare jacket whips around my face in the wind. Thinking back I couldn't help but wonder why I would hold back around the leaf. These last six months I've only been focusing on a few moves and refining them in each fight.

Now What Have I Gotten Myself Into? ~Enter Konoha's number one knuckle headUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum