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Chapter 3

Walking behind Kakashi as Aphrodite walked towards his left I couldn't help but reach my hand up to my sore shoulder. This was bothersome yes, suddenly being thrown into an anime world that I myself couldn't even fathom a way I would desire to change it. Unlike with Death note there isn't a whole lot of mistakes that I could point out. In fact the mistakes, mainly being made by Naruto himself, are what makes the anime. It is how Naruto grows to be so strong and such an exceptional ninja. The only thing I couldn't get myself to like was how Naruto was never given an advancement. He was a Genin throughout the entire show as far as I can remember.

Although, could you imagine it? Naruto, a Chunin or Jonin, leading his own team! It's rather laughable in my opinion so I guess I could figure why he was never given an advancement as far as I can remember. Even though the strength he achieves towards the end he could definitely go on par with one if not more Kage at a time. I guess there would be more to it then just sheer strength. You would need to show qualities of a leader more than just winning people's hearts and getting them to believe in you. You would need to be able to plan strategies out and adjust accordingly to save lives. You would need to know when to stay hidden and observe rather then just leaping in and barking at the enemy. Sometimes what's more important than fighting is gathering important intelligence that would help prevent bad stuff from happening later on. The survival of your team is top priority, and Naruto... Definitely has none of those qualities. If he ever made an advancement from Genin I could see his entire team dying if they weren't completely badass fighters that can adapt to his whims.

When I think about it. It's much like the Deathnote world. I had to gather my intelligence by placing wiretaps and video cameras around hotel rooms after deciphering which hotels L would move to next just so I could remain in the know about what's going on. Doing things that way allowed me to adjust my plans knowing when Light or I would be tailed. Since the battle against the investigation was a battle of intellect I didn't have to worry about physically fighting. I needed to remain three steps ahead of L at all times while pushing the anime to remain on track. Covering my actions so that I could continue using my knowledge I already had. If I had slipped up it would have meant Light's death.

At one time I believed Naruto's antics to be a cute pure quality of him and enjoyed watching what he would do next. Not like I would swoon over him or anything. He sparked my curiosity. Naruto is the type of character that gets you to root for him as much as it makes you wish to slap him for being annoying. Though... Looking up towards the blue sky I find myself gripping a hold of my shoulder just enough to send jolts of pain throughout my body once again. Now that I find myself in this anime... I can't say that I feel the same way I had when watching it. This world is quite dangerous and someone could die very easily. Especially if you are unfortunate enough to be placed on the same team as him. With Aphrodite and I here, we have already changed the course of an anime that doesn't really give leeway for outsiders. It's a tightly knit plot that I believe could be turned upside down quite easily.

Walking into the Hokage Mansion I continue to follow the two in front of me. My hazy thoughts of what is to come, and how just our being here could change it all plaguing my very consciousness. We will have to be on our toes and become strong so we can right circumstances that go wrong. Or.. Should I look at this whole ordeal as an adventure? One I don't need to be so fidgety about with constantly trying to one up the events in the anime. But, to actually try and advance myself. Wouldn't their Chakra actually be what we call energy? Their elemental life energy... that is the energy we know of right? Only we have mastered more control over it. Or at least those like Aphrodite have. Spiritual and physical energy, to combine them... would be extremely difficult. So far I've been able to practice the spiritual energy that Aphrodite had shown me years ago. I had never actually thought of trying to figure out more about it like she had wanted me to. She had said that once I master manipulating my energy to different parts of my body the thought of what I could do would be practically endless. Yet, all I've managed to do so far is coat my entire body in energy so I could return home. I guess I have been quite narrow minded up to this point.

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