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Chapter 12

We had boarded a small boat that was to take us to the land of waves. Everyone was silent though somehow I had gotten sat next to Sasuke with Naruto and Sakura in front of us staring at me. Well Naruto was staring, Sakura was more like glaring. Probably because Sasuke had set next to me forcing her to set next to Naruto. I could just hear her thoughts now thinking something along the lines of 'how dare you set next to, MY Sasuke.' But seriously, couldn't they just find somewhere else to look? I like being in the background, unnoticed. Except by those I wish to see me. With my elbows on my knees I fold my hands in front of my face. Closing my eyes I first take in the sound of the motor cutting off making the existence of the water slapping against the boat more evident. Before this childish form took over my thought process I reveled in staying in front of my opponent. The thrill of manipulating those around me to achieve my ultimate goals.

I, was one of the best at what I did. I could even manipulate Light in the directions I needed him to go. I was at the top of my game carefully analyzing everything before even making a single move. After this childish form however, I have never met my old standards. I have mainly jumped into action without thinking through the situations clearly. I know bits and pieces of what is to come. I should look at them like a puzzle that I need to fit together. A choreographed dance that I need to memorize and recreate. Back there I had barely remembered the two mist chunin, the puddle had sparked a fuzzy memory. But now, for this trip I need to take a breath and use the pieces I have at my disposal in order to complete this mission.

First, let's think back to when we first left the village.. No. a little further. Remembering back to my apartment before I had teased my cousin. -"It's time. We are leaving for the land of waves in an hour." I spoke as I pulled the storage scroll from inside the box I had yet to be able to unpack. -

-"Are you worried?" Aphrodite questioned as I heard her set on my bed. What's wrong with her lately? She hasn't been hyper or overly happy. Makes me wonder what has happened to her.-

-"No. I am pretty sure with how hard we've been training I will be fine. Maybe even I can keep Naruto out of trouble."-

Good, now back to when we left the village. Tazuna had been walking beside Kakashi. The bridge builder whom I had recognized right away when we were receiving our mission. Then, the puddle. I somehow remembered two mist chunin and threw a paper bomb at the puddle so they would come after me instead of Naruto. But why? Why did I want them to come after me instead?

Naruto had froze in the fight. He said it himself even though I had focused on the attack. He was scared. That rings a bell. It was his first real fight so of course he was scared it should have been logical. So here we are on a boat where they have cut off the motor to travel more secretly through the mist aka fog...

Mist. There were two mist chunin. Mist surrounding the land of waves. Two pieces. Now break it down a little more Kira don't miss anything. There was a puddle because Mist is known for... water techniques. The land of waves is surrounded by water and mist. Mist Chunin, Mist around the island. Water techniques.. Water. Even hearing my own thoughts is making me want to groan, they are barely even coherent.

"I have no choice but to tell you." Tazuna's somber voice pierces my thoughts causing me to bow my head. Resting my forehead upon the knuckles of my hands. "No, I want you to know the truth. Like you said. This is beyond the scope of the original mission. The one who seeks my life is a very short man that casts a very long and deadly shadow."

"A deadly shadow?" I hear Kakashi question followed by some kind of grunt from Tazuna. "Hmm, who is it?"

"You know him. Or at least I'm sure you've heard his name before. He's one of the wealthiest men in the world. The shipping magnet Gato."

Now What Have I Gotten Myself Into? ~Enter Konoha's number one knuckle headHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin