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Chapter 26

Watching a huge snake make a snack out of a bird behind the fence I smirk before averting my gaze to the ones behind us, who had yet to look away from our squad. My gaze meets one of the grass ninja with long wiry black hair. Taking in a sniff I unknowingly close my eyes. Blood. Fresh Blood. The Genin looks at me with a smirk though I give none in return. What is their problem? Staring at us as if we are lunch. Please tell me I manage to keep myself from giving off that sort of intention when I'm thirsty. Our locked gazes seem to break as a kunai flies past us slicing a bit of the grass ninja's hair as it does. Turning from the ninja I look to see the proctor behind Naruto whispering something to him as she reaches up to the fresh drawn blood on his face.

The grass ninja chakra steps with great speed up behind the proctor, their overly large tongue holding out the kunai that had been thrown. "I was.. Just returning your knife." They say with their left hand raising up their straw hat slightly.

"Why, thank you grass ninja." They share gazes with a moment's pause though the proctor's smile never wavers. "You know I only recommend you stand this close behind me if you wish to reach a premature end." She says taking her kunai back.

"My pardon, with the sight of blood and your blade slicing through my hair mmhm, I'm afraid I just became a little excited. I meant you no harm." The ninja chuckles turning around to walk past me.

"Likewise." I hear the proctor say watching momentarily after the grass ninja.

"I see, even though he is a teammate you are excited from the sight of blood as well." The grass ninja whispers to me as they walk past. Was I just staring at the cut on Naruto's cheek? I didn't even realize if I had.

"Heh, what did that lady say to you?" Glancing to Sasuke I give him a smirk showing my growing anticipation.

"This round, is going to be fun." Achieving in getting a smirk in return from him as he nods.

"You got that right." Slightly chuckling he passes me the consent forms. Taking one I turn to the nearest ninja which so happened to be the grass ninja. Passing it along I take in the proctors every word since she had finally left Naruto alone and returned to the front of the group, as I study the map she shows all of us. When finally committed to memory I begin to focus more on her words.

"44 locked entrance gates, there are rivers and a forest inside. In the center is a locked tower located 10 kilometers from each gate. It's in this confined area that you'll undergo the survival test. The test consists of." She closes the map scroll putting it away before speaking again and pulling out two other scrolls. "Anything goes battle to get your hands on these scrolls." she raises the two scrolls so all can see them. "You'll be fighting to get both, a heaven scroll and an earth scroll. All together 26 teams will be taking part in this test. So half of those teams will be going after the heaven scroll. The other half will be the earth scroll. I will hand over one kind of scroll to each team."

"Okay so how do we pass the test?" Sasuke asks causing me to glance at him from the corner of my eye. Isn't it obvious Sasuke? She just said it.

"Your entire squad must bring both a heaven and earth scroll to the tower."

"That means at the very best half of us will fail. More if not every team is able to get both the scrolls." Sakura points out. That is obvious Sakura. Geeze.

"No one ever said it would be easy. Oh and one more thing. The test has a time limit. You must finish it within five days."

"5 days out there?!" Ino yells, so even at this distance her voice is utterly annoying.

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