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Chapter 28


"So sue me. I wish someone would change into her so I could get killing her off of my chest without actually doing it." I toss back at him as I close my eyes a moment while I speak.

"If she would have gotten it wrong you would have killed her anyway." He smirks at me causing me to show him one in return.


"Will you two stop talking about me as if I'm not here?!" She yells at us in her frustration.


"Hey! What's up? You guys okay?" Naruto comes running to us causing us to turn and face him. Sasuke automatically brings his kunai back up.

"Don't come any closer!" Sakura warns raising her hand as her eyes practically narrow on Naruto.

"Huh?" Naruto teeters momentarily on one foot as he abruptly stops with a dumbfounded expression and his eyes on Sakura.

"What's the password." She asks. Wrongly if I might add. Why couldn't she have gotten the answer wrong too?

Naruto sets his foot down before smiling as he talks. "Ohh, sure no problem, okay.. A ninja waits until the time is right, when the enemy sleeps and drops his guard." He pauses a second as I pull a kunai out. "When his weapons lie forgotten in the stillness of the night, that is the moment for a ninja to strike!" He says happily. Sasuke just stares at him as I narrow my eyes. I throw my kunai at him in irritation. Not slowly either I might add. The kunai flew from my hand before they even realized what had happened. I watch as Naruto leaps to the left out of the way of my kunai landing on his side with a pitiful yelp.

"What was that? You could've killed me!" He yells at me with wide disbelieving eyes. Sasuke takes a stance ready to attack him.

"Gotta hand it to ya, you're quicker than the last one!" Sasuke speaks confidently not taking his eyes off of Naruto.

"What are you guys doing? What was wrong with that? He just got the password right word for word." Sakura protests in confusion nearly causing me to roll my eyes. You'd think by now she'd use those brains of hers and figure these things out.

"Exactly." I say not even glancing to her. "That's what's wrong." Naruto and her make sounds of question and Sasuke glances at me causing me to take my stance as well, pulling a new kunai out and holding it at the ready.

"Do you really think Naruto could memorize all that and get it word for word? Not the Naruto I know. Not in a million years. You'd have a better chance teaching it to a hamster." Sasuke mutters as his eyes narrow upon the Naruto in front of us. Nearly causing me to laugh from his blatant dis about our blond teammate. Only Sasuke can put Naruto down even in this type of senario.

"Oh, right you got a point." Sakura admits almost skeptically but mostly calmed down now.

"Besides, you saw how this guy moved when he dodged my attack. The attack neither of you seen." I point out for her without taking my eyes away from the lastest ninja.

"That was definitely not a Naruto move." Sasuke adds on. "Alright, show yourself whoever you are. Party's over." We watch as Naruto's face goes from surprise to a grin and his tongue snakes over his lips as he chuckles.

"Aren't we the clever ones." The voice leaving Naruto's mouth seemed familiar but it definitely wasn't Naruto's. It was almost disturbing. Watching smoke erupt around him in a much larger expansion then a normal transformation Sasuke and Sakura both raise their arms to protect their faces. I myself had a feeling I shouldn't look away. Not even for a second. Feeling my eyes become scratchy from the dust I blink them a few times to clear them.

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