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On the day most of the rubble was cleared away I was called to meet Kakashi at the center of the crater. With Sasuke and Itachi at the Uchiha tent I am left to go alone. With a tilt of my head I look at the jonin standing in the crater. Kakashi, Yamato, Asuma, Guy, a few I couldn't even begin to put a name to. Walking up behind Kakashi I hook my thumbs on the front pockets of my pants. "What's this?" I ask allowed successfully gaining all of their attention. Kakashi was the last to look at me with a smile wrinkling his mask. A smile I didn't feel like meeting with the thought of Aphrodite coming to mind. "Hn, Kakashi here has been named acting Hokage since Master Jiraiya refused." Asuma speaks up lowly almost looking bored though it was his usual expression. "Figured, he didn't want the title even when the third died." I mutter to Asuma not looking away from the Jonin in front of me. "We are currently discussing the best way to rebuild." Yamato speaks up and I nod. Though my eyes never leave the one that had summoned me here.

"So what am I supposed to do?" I ask more Kakashi than anyone else who has yet to speak. "We were discussing plans of rebuilding the village, I would like your ideas." Finally he speaks! "Huh, well. Okay then." I speak up and look around. "My thoughts are simple, some earth style to fill in this crater, Yamato over taxes himself by building with his wood release of course alongside the craftsman of the village who will be helping by hand. Water style and earth stye to fix the rivers on the edges. Once Yamato rests up add in trees to make it like home again." I shrug and look back to Kakashi. "Otherwise you could leave the crater and redo some of the villages maps a bit to give it more character. But I would say fill in the hole. It would make Yamato's job easier. I would also work from the residential areas forward after the ground has been built back up just to give the hole time to settle completely. Doing that would get alot of people out of tents and back beneath roofs."

"Hn, I see what you mean Kakashi." Guy grunts turning away from me towards Kakashi himself as the others look away from me as well. So what's going on? After a moment Kakashi steps up away from the Jonin so there was now no one between him and I. His gaze softens though I can't miss the lingering pain within his onyx eye. "Lady Hokage, Tsunade, spoke on this particular subject before the destruction of the village. With the other Jonin and even on the recommendations of chunin, Kira, You are given the rank of Jonin." So... he called me here to promote me? I glance from Kakashi to the others and audibly sigh. "Thank you Kakashi, though now isn't really the time to worry about ranks. We should get to building." I mutter lowly and look away from him causing him to chuckle.

I stood back watching Kakashi delegating tasks to different Jonin. Even informing them to create teams of other like users to help them with their duties. The only one that couldn't was Yamato who didn't look at all happy about the workload he was given. "Maybe put Naruto with him so Naruto and his multitude of shadow clones can give him a hand." I suggest drawing the gazes of the last two Jonin towards me. "You could even use Choji's jutsu to help clear away any rubble that may still be in your way. Plus with his jutsu it would work well with Naruto as they can also help the craftsman when they run low on their supplies." I suggest even though Yamato still looks not at all happy.

When all was said and done Yamato left to round up Naruto and Choji. Kakashi just walked past me and for a moment I was wondering if I should have left before now. At least until he stops and glances over his shoulder in my direction signifying he wanted me to follow him. Once we made it to the Hokage tent I follow him to his seat before setting down on the edge of the wood table just to the right of him. Purposefully keeping myself from blocking his view of the tent opening. He lets out a heavy sigh as if the weight of the world had suddenly been pushed onto his shoulders. Which it kind of is. "I spoke to Aphrodite." He finally speaks up nearly making me puff out my cheeks in irritation. Looking away from him I find the white backdrop of the tent more fascinating. When he noticed I wasn't going to say anything he sets back in his chair watching me. "There are possible reasons you feel the way you do. Without her analyzing your energy she can only assume that your near death experience has brought something inside of you closer to the surface. She says it isn't uncommon for your people to.. awaken.. dormant parts of themselves under such circumstances. As she wanted me to remind you of your father himself."

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