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When I had gone to get Itachi, I had fully expected Kisame to come with us. Probably because it's not often the two go their separate ways. Instead Kisame chuckled about brother trouble and decided that he would go get his quota. Probably so that Pein wouldn't get unreasonable. He really doesn't like it when the members do anything but their job. The entire way to the Uchiha hideout Itachi was silent. Lost in his own thoughts. I knew that he has already accepted his fate, whichever outcome that may happen. Just like I can figure right then he was reliving that night all over again. Letting it play out in his mind repeatedly as he killed people he had seen as family. There was nothing I could say that would help so I had remained silent. Only speaking when I figured we needed to rest so that if things go south Itachi will be ready physically.

When we arrived at the hideout I was almost taken aback, it looked exactly like I had remembered. My chakra blanket flitted out around the area more out of habit. I could already feel eight people hidden throughout the trees and one was setting at the top of the building itself as if they were looking through a window. Their lips moving told me they were saying something quietly over a radio. Within the walls however there were four people, one standing just to the left of the door and another approximately three feet behind the two that were hugging. "They are already here, and so is the leaf." I spoke up quietly without even looking to Itachi. I could feel him nod a single time to my words before moving forward towards the hideout. I could feel their eyes on us as they duck further out of view. Watching as we passed by them, couple of their lips moving briefly probably relaying our position to the ones ahead. I had expected the glare I received as we walk into the room, even if his claim that he wouldn't hate me, had gave me a sliver of hope. "Why didn't you ever tell me!" With his yell I could see his hate swallowing his gaze. I nearly found myself hesitating but the warm hand that brushed against my back helped me move forward. It was a fleeting touch, barely pressing against my skin enough to remind me that he is here.

Once the door closes behind us I feel Itachi's hand move to my shoulder as if silently reassuring me about today. I couldn't miss Sasuke's eyes as they lingered on his brother's hand. The longer I was silent I could see the anger over taking Sasuke's hatred. At this rate he will forget himself and react. I silently told myself. "We had to make you believe they were dead." I spoke as I feel Itachi going to explain for me. "Why?!" Sasuke yells as he moves away from Mikoto to walk halfway across the room towards us. His left hand already moving to the hilt of his sword as if out of habit. Though Itachi lets go of my shoulder and moves himself between us forcing his little brother to stop. "Itachi." I spoke up feeling the emotions slipping from me again. He turns his head and looks to me from the corner of his crimson eyes. "For the moment, this is still mine. Don't interfere." I inform him watching as he lingers where he is standing for a few moments. As if he himself was debating about listening to me. I was beginning to think I would have to speak again when he finally moves, positioning himself behind me again. Leaving the seething Sasuke in full view. His eyes moving from his brother, to me, then back again. "Why?" He hisses as his knuckles grip his sword tight enough his arm quivers the slightest bit. However it seems like he is trying to calm his anger.

"That would be easier to explain if you would allow Itachi to use genjutsu on you to show you his memories." I openly sigh lightly turning my head as I raise my right hand to my forehead. Touching my temples with the tips of my fingers for a moment as I watch Sasuke from the corner of my eye. "But, you would probably see that as an attack against you. So listen closely, Emo boy." With the use of my name for him I had hoped to alleviate some of the tension however his eyes narrow upon me. His own murderous intent seeping out of his pores but he said nothing. As if he was waiting for me to continue. To show him I wasn't afraid I walk forward. Only stopping when I was about a foot from him, deliberately putting myself within striking distance. By doing so I watch his muscles twitch as if it was his turn to debate about stepping back from me. At least he didn't automatically swing. I thought as I look into the depths of his onyx eyes. "You were too young to truly know everything that was going on within the clan and the village. The pieces you did pick up you probably overlooked with very little thought." I began and when he went to speak I simply raise my right hand drawing his eyes to it a moment before he sighs and meets my gaze again. Probably making sure I didn't have my whip ignited or my energy blade cast. "If at any time you do not believe me you can ask Fugaku to clarify or simply decide to let Itachi show you. I do not expect you to take my words at face value."

Now What Have I Gotten Myself Into? ~Enter Konoha's number one knuckle headWhere stories live. Discover now