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A sudden thundering crash echoes over the area as I watch smoke billow from the small village. Followed by three people shooting into the trees to the east of the village. Tilting my head I close my eyes focusing more on those three. Every movement of their clothes, the sway of their hair, the expression changes, their breathes. Even the energy coming from them. Itachi's ponytail flying rapidly behind him as he jumps onto a tree branch followed my Sasuke landing next to him. They glance to each other just as another one comes up on them. His shaggy hair swaying with his movements. His eyes narrowed upon them with a large smile plastered to his face. With the movement of his clothes I could tell he was only wearing a t-shirt not a sweater jacket. His hands humming with building energy as his body emits an extra source.

Opening my eyes wide my breath catches painfully in my chest. "That would have to be.... Damen! And they led him away from the village because of the villagers and so I could feel them." Pushing off from the tree I let myself move at my top speed. Moving through the trees quickly enough my footsteps barely make a sound. My long ponytail blowing around wildly behind me as I make chase in their direction. My veins begin to hum as if the fire inside me is roaring to life. Whatever is inside of me is almost dancing with glee. Actually smiling I flip through the air as I draw closer to them. Dropping my shield I extend my energy out in one of my most powerful attacks. My energy leaves me in a shock wave crashing through trees and leaving my blue flames in its wake. The ground shudders beneath it's force as I feel Itachi grab Sasuke and force them both away from the coming attack. Damen however stops and looks in my direction. Just before my attack quakes the area blinding my energy blanket.

In a large bright blue explosion I practically laugh as the trees around me crash into other trees, splintering and igniting them as well. Did I do that because I enjoyed it? A little. I know Damen is powerful, I wanted him off of Itachi and Sasuke's tail as quickly as possible. To do that, I figured I couldn't hold back. Leaping over the fallen and burning trees I continue my movements to locate where I had last felt Damen. A part of me wanted to be hopeful that I had killed him. An attack I know full well would kill the humans in this world. But the other part of me thought that was too hopeful. Landing amidst my flames I look around at the devastation my attack had caused. The weight of the energy I had used in this one attack threatening to drag down my shoulders. I know my limits. I can do this attack twice and then i'm depleted. That's why this attack is usually a last resort or dulled to be more localised and take less energy.

Jumping to my left as I feel a disturbance in my energy blanket I barely avoid the sudden flash of light crashing into the ground where I had just been standing. The light shattering the ground forcing me to leap onto the large debris of earth beginning to fall into the new crater. Jumping onto the solid earth again I watch the earth crumble in on itself in a cavern dark enough I couldn't even see the bottom. "Damn." A male voice hisses drawing my attention in his direction. Finding the brunette with his eyes lit aglow a large bone chilling grin on his face. Where my eyes are the color of blood swirling in their depths his is more of a bright red hue much like the sharingan. "Damen." I let a low feral growl rumble through my chest as I brace myself ready to attack again. "What are you doing?" I ask trying to understand his purpose. "Oh, me? I was bored so I thought I'd have some fun in this world. Too bad you didn't die 11 years ago. It's truly disappointing." His voice flows cold with a lingering sinister tone that nearly made me shiver, and not in a good way.

Feeling his energy prick against my energy blanket as if it were a static charge. I reach into myself and pull my energy from within me. Pushing it out around me and pulling it tight against my skin. With a smirk I run forward causing his eyes to widen. I may not be able to attack at this exact moment but I can withdraw my energy in time to move my chakra into my fist. A purple electric stream shoots from his hand as he regains himself. Shooting it in my direction. The blinding light has me raising my arms in mid jump across the pit trying to protect my eyes from the stinging light. The impact of the lightning charge impacts against my shield at my chest. Proving that unlike most jutsu in this world, his light.. has substance like my energy blade only his is a projectile.. Even with the protection of my shield I could feel bones breaking from the force. Sending me backwards through the air. Turning my head over my shoulder I gauge my trajectory before flipping in the air and forcing myself to land on the ground skidding backwards and into a fallen tree.

Now What Have I Gotten Myself Into? ~Enter Konoha's number one knuckle headWhere stories live. Discover now