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As we enter Tsunade's office Itachi, Sasuke and I stand more towards the right of the room as Aphrodite and her team take the other side. With this Tsunade's gaze moves from one side to the other as she openly sighs seeing the obvious tension in the room. "What happened this time?" She speaks quietly causing me to frown. I go to step up out of line to speak however Itachi places his hand on my shoulder before he does so himself. "We located the disturbance and figured out it was an interdimensional portal. Kira noticed that the location on the other side was that of her home. However she did not know the two teenagers that stepped into this dimension shortly before the portal closed and vanished." Itachi explains as Tsunade's gaze falls on him. "They were speaking a language that I could not understand, however Kira was able to translate what they were saying."

Itachi pauses with his report as he glances over his shoulder towards me before looking back to Tsunade herself. "The kids did not seem like a threat so she decided to try and speak with them. She found out that Damen was suppose to meet them there, as they also considered us enemies even though they did not want to fight. When they turned to leave Kira moved to stop them only to be stopped herself. Sasuke and I moved in to intercept when it seemed as if the boy had caught her in some kind of genjutsu. We realized it wasn't when she managed to ask the boy one last question." With this Tsunade's gaze moves to me as if silently telling me to inform her what I had asked. "How they were able to open a portal." I spoke up and nearly cringe at my own emotionless words before I can stop myself. "He simply said they have the key and disappeared."

"Why did you just stand there and let them get away?" She rightfully questions and I raise my hand up to the back of my neck. "I couldn't move or even blink after I barely managed to ask that question." I answer her honestly and Itachi gives a grunt of agreement. "Yes, and after they left Kira couldn't even stand. Seems the boy was able to disrupt her chakra flow enough that she hadn't even realized her chakra blade had been released." When I thought Itachi was done he turns more towards the Anbu in the room. "It seems Aphrodite knows something about the two and has refused to share the information." This had me tilting my head and looking from Itachi towards the Anbu in the room. I hadn't really expected him to mention it since it wasn't necessarily from our point of view exactly however the blond now has both Uchiha glaring at her.

"Damphire?" Tsunade questions as her gaze moves to the shortest of the three Anbu as well. Aphrodite openly sighs before stepping forward. "The two teenagers are two of our newest members in the family. Born exactly five years before Kira and I were trapped in this world." Huh, I was right with their ages but that doesn't explain why Aphrodite refused to say anything in the forest. "What can you tell me about them?" Tsunade questions more gently this time then when she had initially addressed Aphrodite. "Not much, they were far too young to have shown many signs of their powers."

She's dodging the real question. I found my eyes narrowing upon her form as I take a step towards her. Itachi and Sasuke both catching me as if they thought I was going to hurt her. Closing my eyes a moment now that I have everyone's attention I take in a breath to steady myself. "Who are they?" I ask the same question again. Allowing my icy glare to show through my words moving from me, empty without emotions. "They are our.." I pull my right hand away from Sasuke and raise it cutting her off. "I'm being serious. You knew Krista's name when I spoke it. Who is she?" I watch as her mask turns away from me almost as if she was looking to Tsunade to save her. "Aphrodite." I speak her name to bring her attention back to me. The longer she was silent the more I could feel my temper boiling. "She's..."

"Out with it." I snap coldly to her causing her to openly flinch again. "She's your little sister okay! Her and Lucas are your siblings!" That one truth I got out of her felt like a solid punch to my face. I found myself looking away from her towards the door fast enough it probably seemed like she had in fact hit me. "You didn't think to tell me about them before now?" I speak simply even though on the inside I was anything but emotionless right now. "I've known for years you are keeping things from me." With that I leave the office, this time no one even moves to to stop me. I nearly make it outside before I hear a pair of steps behind me. Without a word I feel his fingers intertwine with mine before he more fully holds my hand. A small gesture but enough to ease some of my anger.

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