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Chapter 35

"Okay fine! Whatever lets just do it." Naruto says bringing his kunai back to the ready. It was then kunai began flying at us as Sakura and Naruto blocked. Sasuke, Kabuto and I dodged. Movement was bringing pain upon me causing my breathing to become erratic. It felt like I had just been stabbed through the chest and every movement I make sends a new blade through my flesh. Imbedding themselves so I could barely breathe. The burning pain radiating from a place near my hip on my back and was pulsing its way up my back and around my chest. I have to move I have to keep dodging waiting for the correct timing. I refuse to let it stop me I silently thought to myself as I continue to avoid the attacks as best as I could.

Before too long we were all standing in front of the clones breathing heavily as our strengths were zapped leaving us winded and tired. "Man! How long is this going to go on?!" Sakura yells exhaustedly.

"Okay this isn't gonna work." Naruto says as he brings his hands up into a hand sign.

"No it's pointless, you will only waste your chakra." Kabuto tries to reason with him. "By trying to fight these things you'll be doing just what they want."

"If we eliminate all these illusions then the ones casting it won't be able to hurl kunai at us without us being able to see where they're hiding. I'll show them two can play it this game!" Naruto exclaims as he erupts in a cloud of smoke. "Shadow clone jutsu!" He yells as he multiplies. As the vast number of Narutos' run out one after the other clones. The rest of us nod to each other. Using the smoke to disappear into hiding as four of Naruto's clones change into us. Setting down with a sigh I close my eyes trying to rest a little as Sasuke kneels down watching the fight and disengaging his sharingan. I decided to try and meditate. Curse marks eat away at the bearer's chakra so if I meditate and work on rebuilding mine then maybe the pain will go away. It seems as if almost automatically my body was starting to feel a little better the longer I set.

Feeling a hand on my shoulder I open my eyes to see Sasuke who gives me a smile. It was then I realized I had lost all track of time and my surroundings since the sun was now rising. Looking over towards Naruto I notice he is worn out and completely exhausted, I couldn't help but feel for him. It was then the jutsu was released and three ninja in yellow suits showed themselves proving my initial assumptions were correct of who the team was. One of them being the same one that Sasuke and I had dealt with before on the first day. Narrowing my eyes I clench my fist. How dare he try to use this to get back at us.

"You! I know you. You're the one who cut me on the shoulder, and you are the one that got me in the leg and cracked my ribs! That really messed me up you know." He raises a kunai as he continues speaking. "Oh well I can finally pay you both back. With interest." He starts to laugh behind his gas mask looking down at the five figures in front of him.

"Well well, now who's the cornered rats." Sasuke says with a smirk right before Sakura giggles.

"Worked like a charm Naruto." We stand from our hiding place so we were now standing in view behind them. We watch as they turn around and their eyes widen in surprise and fear making shocked sounds.

"What?! It can't be!" The one we had fought before exclaims. "If they're over there then who are they?!"

"Confused? Sorry but it was the only way to get you guys to come out of hiding." Naruto says right before releasing his transformation so there now stood five Narutos side by side. Is it just me or is it a bit creepy having the thought of so many Narutos around?

"How?! Don't tell me that little brat.. It's not possible."

"The shadow clones were only the first part of it. The real trick was coming up with clones for the rest of my squad." Naruto says before his clones disappear.

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