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Chapter 32

"At least they are breathing easier now, but they still have a high fever." Sakura says touching Sasuke's face before turning where she sets to look down at Kira. "You.. Tried to save him when I couldn't even move. You were even covered in blood and hurt pretty bad. You really are a ninja worthy of his attention.." 'But now it looks like it's up to me for the time being.' She thought as she sets there looking down upon her three comrades. I just wish I knew what to do.'

-"By the way Kira, what's in the bag? You don't usually carry that around." Naruto asks pointing at Kira's travel bag and she gives a small smirk as she runs her thumbs along the straps.-

-"When I heard where we were going to meet next I couldn't shake the need to pack necessities. Like emergency provisions so to speak. Protein, medical, extra tools, etc."- Looking to Kira's bag she had set a short distance away from them Sakura begins to wonder what sort of medical stuff she had in there. "It could be their only chance." She says to herself. Talking herself into looking in Kira's bag as she pulls it onto her lap.

Her fingers pause on the zipper as she wonders briefly if Kira would be mad. "I have to do this there could be something we could use right about now in here." She says before finally unzipping it. Finding a white box with a blue medical cross on the cover of it she pulls it out and sets the bag to the side. Opening it Sakura takes in the sight of all the emergency medical equipment. "What the.." The little box within was filled with pills. Above each pill were the names of what they were. Pain killers, Chakra boosters, Healing, different kinds of antidotes, Fever reducers, etc. The fever reducers would come in handy but with both of them unconscious Sakura couldn't really think of a way to get them to take the medicine.

Closing the medicine case Sakura pulls out two cooling pads as she sets the emergency kit aside. After removing their head bands she places a cooling pad upon both Sasuke and Kira's foreheads in silence. Please.. Let the three of them be alright.


Staring into the darkness I look around at a night that is so black I see nothing around me. As if all that is there is darkness. At first it had reminded me of when I meditate yet, the feel to it was... not so welcoming. Where is this? I silently ask myself before finally seeing a girl whose long hair cascades around her balled up form. It looked like she was setting down hugging her knees as tightly as she could. As if she was trying to make herself as small as possible. She was silent and her breathing was light. It was almost as if she was asleep but, I could feel the pain radiating off of her in waves. The very pain I carry around with me every day.

I could feel my heart breaking at the sight before me and was about to go to her to console her before she finally stands. Taller than me she looks down at me, her dark eyes soulless and lifeless as if she has nothing left to live for. She was wearing a light crème colored over shirt left unbuttoned to leave full view of her red bikini top. Her tight dark jean shorts rode high on her legs so that the hems just barely completely covered what was needed to. This is me. Who I really am. I silently realize as I look up at her. "Mother and Father don't care about me. They leave me alone in that house because they can't stand the sight of me. Light is dead. He shouldn't have died. I should have had enough power to save him. To keep him from being ripped from my arms by time itself. To keep him from leaving me all alone again!"

My eyes widen as I feel the pain beat within my chest, threatening to stop my heart. "He's dead because you weren't strong enough. You were too weak and self absorbed!" She snapped at me before turning around causing the scene to change. It was the first day I had met Light and I watched as he deviated from the sidewalk. Crossing the grass to where I had been laying.

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