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Chapter 10

Since that day my schedule has been pretty well filled with Kakashi's training, my workouts, training with Aphrodite, D rank missions, along with memorizing scrolls. I haven't really paid attention to anything else. Reaching my arms above my head in a stretch as I walk through the village before fingering the ninja headband on my forehead. Reminding me that Sakura has been trying to tell me to tie my hair back so it wasn't hiding my leaf symbol but.. I couldn't really imagine wearing my hair any other way anymore. Yet, to shut her up I decided today I would braid my bangs back into a ring around my head to keep my hair out of my eyes. She seemed quite happy with it.

In fact she's been talking to me more since she had found out I was willing to fail just so the three of them could pass. I guess that could be seen as a good thing. But.. I prefer her scared of me. Fear kept her away from me at least and she wouldn't annoy me so much talking to me. Gramp seemed happy about how the team was coming along and how I've been acting within it. He told me he got me a gift to commend my efforts which is why I am walking through the village at this moment instead of training. Whatever he got me, was at the weapons shop and he had decided to send me there to fetch it. Odd, wouldn't people want to give you the gift themselves? Then again, nothing about the old man is normal.

Walking into the weapon's shop I sort of just stare at the merchant until he notices me. "Ah, what can I do for you today miss?" He questions nicely only resulting in me crossing my arms.

"Gramp... I mean the Third Hokage. Sent me here to pick up a gift he got for me."

"Gramp? Oh yeah, you must be Kira. When he was in here he couldn't stop talking about you as if you were his grand daughter or something." He smiles gently. "Hang on, your package is in the back. I'll retrieve it for you."

Finally sighing when he goes into the back I look around the shop. It is actually about time for me to restock on some of my ninja gear so why not hit two birds with one stone right? Coming up to a pair of chakra blades I felt my eyes widen. They look like Asuma's in the anime so wouldn't that mean they are meant for wind based chakra? They look so cool! "Here you are." The merchant says drawing my attention and causing me to look at him.

"While I look at my present could you fill up a box full of Kunai, shuriken, tripwire, ninja wire, rope, paper bombs, A storage scroll, and smoke bombs? Oh and put it on the thirds tab for me. Thanks a bunch!" I giggle when he didn't question me. He said it himself though, I am like the third's granddaughter. I then wait for him to walk away before opening my gift.

Gasping at what I seen I couldn't help myself but quickly pull the blades out and slice them through the air a few times, getting a feel for them. (By the way they look like the ones in the picture of the outfit.) They are light, strong, and slick. They feel like they cut through the air itself without any resistance. "I so can't wait to train with these!" I found myself squealing only being answered by the merchant chuckling.

"Glad you like them." He comments as he sets the box he had been filling down and retrieves the blade sheathes from the other box. "Here put them on see how they feel." He coerced making me put the blades down long enough to attach the sheathes to my lower back. They feel kind of awkward but probably because I wasn't used to them yet. Retrieving the blades again I slide them into their sheathes with a smile.

"Will take some getting used to but I like them."

"That's good, now. Here is the box you requested. Since you didn't give me numbers of how many of each item you wanted I just sort of filled you up. I was guessing you were just stocking up anyway right?"

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