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As the confusion was settling in a boy steps out beside the girl just as the portal snaps shut with another loud crack and vanishes. The boy had black hair much like her own that flows down just before his icy blue eyes beneath the hood of his own black jacket. His expression matched the girl's as his eyes were half closed, though his lips parted a bit lazily as he looks at her. His jacket much like his counterpart's was unzipped though not nearly as far giving view to his own red shirt. Though instead of her cargo pants he was wearing a pair of loose fitting torn black jeans and a pair of black sneakers. His own pair of red ear buds peeking out around his face from beneath his jacket. As if he had zipped his jacket up over his wires. "Krista, who is she?" He asks just as badly as he looks. It was then in a flash Sasuke and Itachi come to Kira's side. Sasuke's hand already curled around the hilt of his sword. "I dunno." She answers him matching his tone. Kira found herself unable to stop herself from tilting her head curiously at the two infront of her.

"Are we supposed to fight?" He asks his shoulders slouching even further with his words. "Kira, what are they saying?" Itachi's voice reaches me causing me to glance in his direction. "That's too much work. Damen was suppose to be here." She all but yawns as I narrow my eyes on her. "Hey, you." He speaks as his eyes land on me again. "You understand us right." He more states than asks. As if I would answer him anyway. "They are asking who we are. The boy questioned if they were supposed to fight and the girl told him that would be too much work." I inform Itachi just as I hear the language of my family speak again. "Where's damen?" The girl questions. "Can you take us to him." The boy speaks up and I find myself shaking my head. "My god how old are these two?" I mutter only causing Sasuke and Itachi to look at me.

"You two." I finally speak to them drawing their bored expressions back to me away from Itachi and Sasuke. "Who are you?" I ask and watch as they practically sigh at the same time. "She doesn't know." The boy nearly complains though his tone never changes. "No." The girl answers him. "Are you Aphrodite?" The girl asks only to be followed by the boy. "Or Kira." The feeling I am getting is nothing but sheer boredom. There's no malice or murderous intent. As they also didn't care enough to realize Itachi had said my name. In any language it would sound the same so they had deliberately ignored him. "Are you friend or foe?" I ask them as I continue studying their reactions. "Foe." and with the boy's words I move my energy through my arm and into my hand. Allowing it to stretch and compressing it into a sharp point. Their bored expressions finally move down to my hand as they see my energy blade. "Kira." The boy mutters before they turn their backs to us and start walking away. "Wait!" I found myself hollering and moving forward to get around them. Something fuzzy suddenly smacks me in the face. The shock though brief was long enough for the boy to grab onto my arm with my energy blade. His other hand having claws digging into my opposite shoulder. For a split second his gaze was no longer bored. It felt like he was peering right into my very soul.

The girl grunts the very moment Sasuke's grass blade slides over the boy's throat. Drawing a small amount of blood from the cut. Unflinching from the weapon now threatening to take his life, the boy just stares into my eyes. "How did you.. open a portal to this dimension?" I ask him calmly even as my eyes haze over from the pain. "We have the key." His voice rings in my ear moments before his hold suddenly vanishes and Sasuke's sword was against nothing but air. Once more there was no sign of movement of any kind showing which way they had went within my energy blanket. It was as if they had actually disappeared. "What was that about?" Sasuke asks as he slides his sword into its sheath. "Apparently, Damen was suppose to meet them here." I answer quietly still stunned by the ordeal that had just taken place. "Their heading?" Itachi asks and I just shake my head. Why am I so unnerved? They said they were my enemy but yet there was nothing about them that screamed dangerous. They were even going to leave without wanting to fight. The look in that boy's eyes... That's what bothers me.

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