Season 2 Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Everyone in the Akatsuki had their own quirks and personalities. Deidara however shares my love for explosions. On the rare occasions I was around him he would show off some of his creations. They weren't actually anything special really in clay form. They were rather funny looking actually. But the explosions were awesome! My time in the Akatsuki gave me more freedom than Konoha ever did. I could blow things up as I want.. As long as it wasn't inside. I had been able to learn far more about myself through my experiments and training with them was fun.

For once someone's attention wasn't focused on someone else rather than me. They definitely never held back. They pushed me to be all I could be and then some. I couldn't believe how well I could get along with all of them. They were criminals. People I should hate or want to kill. To punish them for their crimes, but there was something about all of them. Like they were all kindred spirits to not only one another but me as well. I couldn't hide from them like I did everyone else. Whenever I tried they could tell. Well most of the time anyway. Hidan was rough to get along with due to his religious desires and lack of thought. However when you could keep him off the touchy subject he was actually pretty fun. It didn't take me long to find out that he had a sense of humor.

I even started helping Konan in the kitchen when I realized it was only her who always cooked. Which definitely helped warm the guys up to me. Apparently the way to a man's heart is actually through his stomach. Even if Hidan would tend to come into the kitchen and pick food from over my shoulder. Pein would mostly have Konan bring his meals to him in his room. There were times though he would join everyone else to eat but that was rare. Tobi was always annoying and nearly always around. He was paired with Zetsu. The only member of the Akatsuki that could stand him in the slightest.

Kakuzu was always on about money. The man is so greedy it's hard to talk to him. There is more to life than money but, I also felt like him. I hate not having a seemingly unlimited supply and having to do without. Not being able to just buy things because I want to. It's annoying. He's right money is how the world works. Everything runs off of money and the Akatsuki is no different. Money is necessary for everything. I also really don't like how he gets most of his cash. Cash cows. He calls them but really they are mostly innocent people. Prestiged for their own accomplishments. Actually, deep down. It really pisses me off. He knows it too. Which is why he would only offer to take me with them if their target was another criminal.

I ran my mouth one time for too long. I made him mad. He attacked me. Found out I was difficult to kill. We moved on but he did warn me to watch my mouth or he really would kill me. Sasori on the other hand, he is prickly. Tries to act like he doesn't care. The fact of what he has done to his own body gives me the creeps. However, he does care. More than he'd like people to believe. He's smart too and enjoys popping into my lab to help out. With his help we were able to figure out what was causing my subjects to go insane. My energy within my blood. Apparently mixing my energy with that of humans is more troublesome than I had thought when comparing to what tended to happen when Sasuke and I would collide jutsu.

With his help we were able to safely inject one of my subjects with the vial and he healed. Without the pesky after effects. This breakthrough was by far the largest one I've accomplished. However, taking away their humanity was still beyond impossible. My blood just would not allow it. It was Sasori that pointed it out aloud to me. That maybe it just was not meant to be. If it was possible for other breeds like maybe Aphrodite, it definitely wasn't for me. My energy was too toxic.

This had set me back. I felt like I had failed Light but in a way. It made me feel less like a failure. It wasn't because I'm not strong enough. It just was not meant to be. It took a long time for me to get over that realization though. I felt like I had lost my entire reason for existing. It was Itachi that pulled me back out of my despair. Even if not completely. I began to feel like we need each other. To alleviate our pain if only temporarily.

Now What Have I Gotten Myself Into? ~Enter Konoha's number one knuckle headजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें