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Chapter 27

The flight was taking a lot longer than I had thought. I never realized how fast I really can move on my own until I watched the trees below us. "What is the situation, hn?" Deidara questions bringing my attention away from the ground way too far below us. "Orochimaru has seven men trying to obtain the beast. The leaf has sent two former anbu black ops, the copy ninja, three of tsunade's apprentices, two of might guy's student's, Kiba inuzuka, Shino Aburame, Hinata Hyuga, and the nine-tails for a total of twelve leaf shinobi."

"They must really want the three tails, hn." He mutters and I shake my head. "Actually the plan is to seal the three tails then ship it to a different dimension out of reach of their enemies." Deidara clicks his tongue as he glares ahead of us. When he turns the bird to avoid one of the larger trees I grab ahold of him again with a squeak making him laugh as I bury my face against his back. "Jerk. You did that on purpose." This makes his laughter grow louder as it reverberates against his back.

Night was already falling by the time we meet Tobi back on that cliff. However instead of Deidara landing this thing he jumps off and the bird seems to fly farther from the edge. Keeping me rooted in place. "Deidara you ass. Let me down!" I yell at him making him laugh again before he turns. "How about.. No, hn." He smirks up at me and turns back to Tobi. Who, was already doing his act of the fool wiggling around. "ooo. Deidara! Keeping her for yourself! When did such a scandalous love triangle start!" I shake my head at the man and puff out my cheeks. "As far as I'm concerned, she's my prisoner until we take her to leader, hn."

"Hey, what are you talking about? I came and got you remember?" I growl down at him and cross my arms. However, I know how stubborn this man is. No matter how much I yell at him he won't let me down. "Oh just shut up. hn." He yells up at me before his bird moves higher making me drop down to my knees as he laughs. "Trust me, when I get down from here I'm going to kick your ass."

Just then there was a roar from the three tails and I scramble to look in the direction the sealing team should be. Instead I seen the three tails shoot a chakra sphere at a cliff aimed right at a bright blue light. "Wait... Tobi?! Where's the kid?!" I yell down at him making him raise his hands up in a why not posture. "He got away from me! I looked away for one second and poof!" He then begins to sway with his hands on either side of his mask again. "Please don't be mad, Kira. It was an accident!" I roll my eyes at his antics. That just means he wanted to see what the kid was capable of so he sent me off to get Deidara just so he could return the boy.

All I can do now is watch. I sigh crossing my arms after I carefully shift my position so I was now setting in indian style on the stupid bird. The roaring of the beast turns into more of a screech as the area becomes enveloped in orange light. Moving back to my knees I move over to the edge of the bird. My eyes widening at the sight. Someone had just set the beast on fire! "Hey, guys." I call down to the two only for no answer. "Guys!" I yell causing Deidara to look up at me in question. "What is it now?!" And then he seen it too. His eyes widening before he smirks. "Someone's got style. hn." Sighing I watch the beast turn tail and run back beneath the water at nearly the same time the bright blue light fades.

"Hmm, looks like it's done." I mutter to myself. Closing my eyes I go against my better judgment and feel out with my energy. Someone picks the kid up from the cliff and jumps away into the trees. In Yamato's building the others were beginning to congregate. Some moving slowly as others were being carried. Hesitantly I counted the individual breaths coming from each body. Exhaling a sigh of relief that I didn't realize I was feeling I smile to myself. All twelve, are alright. Hurt, but still alive nonetheless. This thought confused me. I'm suppose to be on the Akatsuki's side meaning I shouldn't care if they all made it back alright. All my life I didn't worry about anyone other than myself, Light, and Taiyo. Everyone else was collateral damage if something happened. So why am I worried about them? I should remain focused on the task at hand right? "Hey!" I yell down moving to the other side of the bird to look down at the two. "The beast is wounded, I don't feel any of Orochimaru's men so they were defeated. The leaf are weakened and wounded. Now would be the perfect time to strike." I yell down as they both look up at me. "Even if the leaf does figure out what's happening they are in no condition to fight so they will be forced to do reconnaissance rather than confront us." I explain making Deidara laugh.

Now What Have I Gotten Myself Into? ~Enter Konoha's number one knuckle headWhere stories live. Discover now