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Chapter 3

Coming up to Kisame I jump onto his back wrapping my arms around his shoulders and my legs hooking onto his waist making sure I avoid Samehada. "So where we going to now?" I ask with a giggle.

"Well squirt, welcome back." Kisame chuckles before reaching into his cloak and retrieving a grey book. Holding it up for me to take. Hm? I quietly question before latching onto his waist tighter with my legs and letting go of his shoulders so I was now riding on his back with no hands. Taking the book I open it. Page by page there was a different picture, a name, location, bounty, and information about different people. "You pick." He chuckles again and my eyes widen.

This is a bingo book! I come to the realization and begin to read each page. All of them are ranked Jonin or higher for different territories. All of them are current shinobi. Tilting my head I almost sigh. There were no missing nin, bandits, or any other kind of criminal in this book. "I know it's not your cup of tea squirt but look at it this way." Kisame looks over his shoulder at me with a grin showing his shark teeth. "They may not be what you consider criminals but every country has their own bingo book. The higher your rank the more likely you are to be in it. To get that rank comes from battle skills. So it's not like their weapons haven't been dipped in blood."

"Oh I get it Fishface." My eyes widen as I look back at the book. "Even if they were under orders from their leader they have still killed people." Kisame chuckles again and looks back ahead of him to watch where he is walking.

"Exactly. Every jonin or even chunin you know has killed people. It's what we do."

"So you are saying that everyone is a murderer in their own right. As if every shinobi is a criminal." I mutter and sling my arms back over him.

"Heheheh, that's right squirt." I get it. It makes perfect sense when you think about it that way. Setting back up, I flip through the book until I find a man with brown short spiky hair. His eyes are cold as he is practically glaring at the camera. He just screams killer. Smiling I read it aloud.

"kousotsu raiku lives in the Hidden stone village, bounty 25 million yen. He is a earth style user. He is most known to use jutsu bedrock coffin, earth dragon bomb, and earth wall. His main weapon of choice is a large hammer. Like most stone jonnin he wears the initial red with brown chest armor. hmm." I close the book and smile handing it back to Kisame. "That one." Kisame laughs and tucks his book away again.

"You heard the squirt Itachi. Looks like we are going to the land of earth."


It felt like we had been walking a really long time before the terrain finally changed. It was looking more like stone than dirt. There were large rock formations as far as I could see. Eventually I had gotten off of Kisame's back when Samehada stuck my leg and I jumped onto Itachi's back. His arms wrapped around my legs more out of habit than anything.

Laying my head on his back I close my eyes and take in his pine scent. As usual we were staying away from villages and towns. Keeping out of sight since the Akatsuki has become known targets these days. I remember when I first joined I was able to walk through a village and take in the buzz of people talking and laughing. Maybe even grab a meal when I needed it. These days however if we aren't fighting the only people I get to see is other Akatsuki members.

"Say, itachi." I speak softly before lifting my head off his back. "Hn" I got a sound of acknowledgement from him as I lick my lips. "We've been walking for days now, right?" I ask and he looks over his shoulder at me with a nod. His onyx eyes meeting my own. "I'm thirsty and my canteen is empty. Are we going to find a village soon?"

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