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                        Chapter 43

My head was killing me. The only other time if felt like this was when I was around Misa and I had only thought I had a headache. Hissing in pain I lift my head from the uncomfortable position it had been resting in. Which happened to be in front of me leaving my neck feeling tight. Yet as I went to raise my hand to rub the back of my neck my arm wouldn't move. "What the." I mutter trying to squint my eyes open to look at my arms but the light only sent a flash of searing pain through my throbbing head. "Man Aphro this isn't funny. My head feels like you split it open. How the hell did you do that anyways?" Silence met my ears so I took a breath through my nose. Sterile. Almost like a hospital. Feeling the hum inside me I push it outward to feel around me. At first it argued as if whatever Aphro had done to me messed with its flow somehow.

Eventually after a few tries I manage to reach out with my energy. I could feel no movement in the room around me so it would seem I am alone. That leaves the question. Where am I? What I'm 100% positive about which is the only thing I'm certain about at this point is, Aphro betrayed me. She really has switched her loyalties. Her words in the forest had meant nothing. They were only suppose to serve to get me to do as she wished. Hanging my head forward I release a sigh. I have no one now. Biting my bottom lip I fight against the building pain threatening to sting my left eye. She's all I had beyond the death note world. Was I really that horrible to her? The sound of a door opening reaches my ears, as I feel three people walk in followed by a group of four that seem to separate from behind them throughout the rest of the room to different miniature work stations. Two of the first three continue walking towards me. One staying behind near the door. I could hear the thumping of boots so I could imagine a bulkier person.

"Kira Lake. Do you know where you are?" A familiar voice echoes around me bringing the image to mind of setting at a desk looking towards the proctor of the first exam as he was explaining the rules to the genin present.

"Ibiki Morino, first proctor of the chunin exams, bald from scars and burns from enduring torture, along with two scars on his face. The right side starting from your lower jaw near your neck and ending just below your eye. The scar on your left beginning hidden beneath your forehead protector and ending at your chin from going over your lip. You along with the sentinels for the exam wear a particular uniform of a bluish grey color. Yours is slightly darker than the others to better set with your black leather duster. The uniform comes with a matching set of black possibly steel toed boots. You however wear black gloves as well. From my eyes I gather you stand around six feet and thirty five centimeters putting you as the tallest from the first exam. Your weight including muscle mass I would guess to be around 194 pounds as for your age you are older than Sensei so I place you around 27 years old. You used your tone of voice to manipulate the genin in the room as you used your rules to slip into their minds. Your voice continuously going from authoritative to cold brought several meanings to your rules to further bring rise to anxiety and self doubt. Knowing such I would have to say you are part of the interrogation corp within the village. Yet as you were the proctor and the others were sentinels it would further lead me to believe you are the leading interrogator..."

Silence having followed my speech I raise my head and attempt squinting again as the pain in my head has finally begun to recede. At first seeing a fuzzy sight in front of me I blink a few times to clear my vision. "Yup, looks like I was correct with your looks and whom you are. As for the interrogation corp." I look around curiously before spotting the Hokage. "Your silence tells

me everything I needed to know. I was right on all counts. Now will you or the Hokage over there tell me why I am here since surely my bodily secrets are not important enough to involve interrogation. Unless the Hokage over there knows and understands that Damen had somehow made me five years old just before coming here and he wishes to figure out how to do the, well youth spell. So to speak."

Now What Have I Gotten Myself Into? ~Enter Konoha's number one knuckle headWhere stories live. Discover now