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It wasn't until after I had finished that I realized what Itachi had done. From asking me his question in the open in front of Sasuke to using his hate filled tone with me. Was all to upset me enough that I wouldn't take from Sasuke and I fell for it. "It's up ahead." I speak up as I could feel an electric current through my energy blanket. "The energy... it's massive and compressed." I try to explain to them. Though even I'm not sure I explained it well. Adjusting my direction I retake the lead from Itachi. Guiding them towards the occurrence that was making my skin crawl. The closer we come the more it feels like insects are moving over every inch of my body.

"The air." Sasuke mutters absentmindedly and I give him a small sound of agreement. "This is no jutsu." I realize feeling the point where the energies are converging growing. Leaping down from the trees I found my eyes widening at the sight before me. A bright white in flecks that almost looked like snowflakes were raising from the ground and foliage. "What..." Sasuke breathes as Itachi walks in front of us, his Sharingan already blazing against his features. His eyes tracking the white lights as they are pulled towards a bright ball Electricity sizzling and crackling above it. I found myself walking towards it until Sasuke catches my hand to keep me from getting any closer. The ball feels likes it's vibrating as if it is echoing inside me causing my veins to hum in tune. "Each light has an aura." Itachi points out in an almost disbelieving tone. "This doesn't feel like Damen." I inform them as I close my eyes, focusing more on the feelings around me.

Both boys look at me as if they were watching for some sort of hint I could give them. Patiently waiting for me to evaluate the area from my perspective. "I don't feel anyone nearby that could be causing this." Now for the first time since we got back from the Uchiha hideout, I find myself wishing Aphrodite was here. There is a good chance that she would know what's going on. "As for what is going on right now.. I'm not sure. The area is lit up with electricity and the lights feel tangible in my blanket. The ball itself.. It's humming and still growing."

"Is there a way to prevent it's growth?" Itachi questions as he steps closer to us, I can feel his eyes move to Sasuke before lingering on our hands. "I don't know. Anything I can think of has a high percentage of causing it to become volatile." I shake my head with my words as I hook the thumb of my free hand onto my front pocket. Trying to relax beneath the weight of the air around us. "I see." Itachi comments before I feel his hands move in signs just before there is a sudden popping as a white dove appears on his shoulder. He reaches into his pouch and retrieves the items he needs. "I am sending our findings to the Lady Hokage." He more speaks as an afterthought. "But we should pull back for now and watch it."

Nodding to him I walk with Sasuke further away from the area. His grip on my hand still firm enough I would not easily be able to remove my hand. After Itachi's dove flies from his shoulder he follows us. His gaze set dead on Sasuke bringing rise back to the tension we had previously been dealing with. As if he knew of Itachi's glare Sasuke's hold on my hand tightens momentarily before he finally releases me. I move to a tree and set down on the ground with my back against the bark a sigh threatening to break through my grip. On top of this situation, what am I going to do with these boys?

It didn't take long for Itachi and Sasuke both to sit next to me at the base of the tree. Itachi on my right this time situated in a way he can keep watch on the accumulating energy ball. Sasuke on my left with his left arm resting on his knee. By looking at him it would seem his right hand was on the ground steadying his relaxed posture however I could feel his fingers linking around mine. This very nearly made me smile except for the fact Itachi's hand resting over my other one was a constant reminder of both of their feelings towards me. Were they nervous? As if by my saying this wasn't a jutsu they felt like they needed to keep me close? Almost as if they think I need protecting. This thought finally dislodged my sigh. I was never one to need protection, though even Light tried to pull me from the death note in order to protect me.

Now What Have I Gotten Myself Into? ~Enter Konoha's number one knuckle headOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant