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Chapter 27


"Yeah what was that all about?" Naruto coughs holding his ribs where I had kicked him. Just as he pushes himself to stand again Sasuke leaps in to kick him but Naruto dodges causing Sasuke's foot to touch the tree. Giving him support to shove off of the bark to land behind Naruto. Forcing the boy to jump to a tree branch. Running up there I let myself pick up speed before leaping up onto that exact branch just as naruto reaches it. Sending a kick into the unsuspecting Naruto I break through his pathetic block sending him off the branch and spiraling into the ground below where Sasuke awaits.

"Better watch out Sakura, I think they've gone crazy." He says as he fights to get to his knees. Seriously sasuke why'd you pause and let him regain his footing?

"Yeah, you wish, we just struck before you could!" Sasuke responds pulling a kunai and running at him. As the boy pulls his own I crouch on the tree branch I am standing on watching the two beneath me closely.


"Alright then bring it on!" He yells running at Sasuke in return. Hearing the clash of kunai I narrow my eyes waiting for the right moment. Seeing Sasuke lunge at him from behind and the boy leap forward into a flip I dive off of the tree branch pulling my own kunai. The boy looks up barely in time raising his kunai to block mine. He grunts as he pushes against his kunai, giving me a shove. I leap backwards in a mid air flip only to land on my feet glaring at him.

"Sasuke, what are you two doing?" Sakura asks him as I clench my hand onto my kunai turning my knuckles white. Leaping forward I spin in mid air as I pull a second Kunai into my opposing hand. The boy blocks the one in my right but I bring the one in my left towards his side. At the last second as recognition crosses his features, he leaps up away from me in an attempt to dodge my blade. Causing my kunai to dig into his leg rather then what I was aiming for.

"Take a good look at him" Sasuke says as the boy lands again pulling the kunai out of his leg with a pain filled whimper. "Talk! What have you done with Naruto?!"

"What? What do you mean? I am Naruto!" The boy yells as I turn so I was now facing his back and Sasuke his front. My eyes narrowed upon the back of his head as I spin my kunai in my hand before bringing it up closer to my face ready for my next attack.

"Then where's the cut on your cheek?!" I growl at him in such a way I could watch him visibly stiffen.

"I guess you didn't know that the real Naruto got a cut on his face before this test! You also have your shuriken holster on your left leg not your right!" Sasuke continues causing me to smirk. As Sakura's gaze moves from me to Sasuke. Clearly trying to understand what we are saying.

"But the real Naruto is right handed. Your transformation skill is worse than Naruto's. Tell me who you are!" I practically snarl glaring at the impersonator. In a puff of smoke the boy shows his true form wearing a yellow jumper with spiky brown hair.

"Alright you got me, so what! I'm still going to take your scroll. Now hand it over or else." Finally Sakura pulls her kunai staring him down. It seems even though we are on the same team she wasn't about to just follow Sasuke and my lead against Naruto. Just as when we were pointing out what was wrong she still didn't react. Almost like she didn't know if she should trust us until she seen the truth with her own eyes. We need to get him to give up Naruto's location. I remind myself silently. So far in this fight I had been acting without a care to the damage I was causing this ninja. If I would have killed him.. we would have to waste time searching for the knucklehead ourselves. This realization nearly had me sighing, I really should take my own advice and think before I react. "So, which one of you three has it?" He narrows his eyes as none of us answers. "Fine then, I'll just have to take all of you out!" He goes to leap forward but I run around him dropping my hands to the ground and sending my right foot into his chin launching him into the air.

Now What Have I Gotten Myself Into? ~Enter Konoha's number one knuckle headWhere stories live. Discover now