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After that we ran the rest of the way to the waterfall nation. Tension still ran really high in fact it was worse. I couldn't really expect nothing else. When it comes to Sasuke, I completely lose myself. Kira completely checks out. I should have been able to stop him but the moment he had said those words I was gone. Kira ceased to be, all that was left was the burning desire inside of me eating me whole. Shaking my head at my own thoughts I look back towards the two Uchiha. I've been wondering with the look buried in Itachi's eyes if Sasuke is going to make it back to the village alive. No, that's a ridiculous thought. Itachi always remains in complete control of himself. There's no way he'd slip up and kill his brother... right?

- "Sasuke, I need to tell you something and you need to be alright with it." I had told Sasuke just before the sun came up. Hn. he grunted with a smirk as he ran his fingers through my ponytail threatening to coax my mind from me. "I refuse to treat Itachi any differently than I have or do." I sigh reaching up and brushing his bangs out of his face as he watches me. "I am yours. But Itachi and I are close and you should be okay with that."- Yeah.. that didn't really soothe things over between them. I just wanted him to know, I love him but I'm not going to let him dictate who I am close with. Itachi has been there for me in so many ways the last several years. I can't just suddenly turn my back on him. Leaping back towards them I reach out and take Sasuke's hand. Looking up to him as we continue our path I couldn't help but smile as his eyes softened. His hand gently squeezing my own.

"We're in the land of waterfall now. Kira, your energy blanket." Itachi speaks up pulling my attention away from Sasuke. Nodding to him I close my eyes and extend my energy blanket outwards to cover the entirety of its maximum circumference. I found myself nearly jumping when Itachi suddenly takes my free hand guiding me along so I can focus on what is around us rather than what I am doing. "Beyond animals I don't feel anything yet." I comment as I slowly open my eyes. "Keep watch." Itachi speaks simply and I find myself nodding to him again. "Okay." This is our usual way of tracking. I almost missed it. Smiling to my own thought I stop and jump onto Itachi's back, hooking my legs around his waist as I close my eyes. "You drop me again and I really will kill you." I mutter playfully ignoring Sasuke's glare. Itachi's chuckle rumbles through his body as he grips onto my legs as if to make sure I stay in place. "Good, so once again you'll be my legs and feet and I'll be your third eye." I mutter if only just so Sasuke knows what we are doing.

This way I don't have to focus on anything other than our surroundings. "So when we find them. Are we just going to hang back and gather intel, or are we going to hit them fast and hard like usual?" I find myself asking as I curl my fingers over his shoulders to hold on a bit more. "Intel is the best option. We have already found out that your younger siblings are indeed strong. We need to know more about what Damen is doing." I give him a nod. I can understand that. Silence fell over the three of us as I concentrate. Feeling for any sort of humanoid movement rather than just birds and animals, rushing waterfalls and rivers. Itachi and Sasuke slowed there pace and continued moving so we weren't rushing around. We made it to the country Kakashi sent us to so there was no need to rush. besides, we want to find them before they find us.

It was then a pair of ice blue eyes pop up into my mind for the first time in over a month. Weird. I thought to myself and opened my eyes. "There is a town to the north west of us about 80 kilometers from where we are." I pipe up and hop off of Itachi's back the moment his feet tap the tree branch. "Do you think they are there?" Sasuke speaks for the first time since I had taken my place on his brother. "Could be. Something weird happened, it could just be my mind playing tricks or it could be lucas." I speak up for him as I push forward. Both sets of eyes now on me as I watch ahead. "His eyes showed up in my mind the longer I felt the village." I find myself smirking. "I can't wait to find out if it's him."

Now What Have I Gotten Myself Into? ~Enter Konoha's number one knuckle headWhere stories live. Discover now