Chapter 50: Sports Festival Demon!

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3rd POV:

The sports festival was always an interesting time of the year for UA high school as the three stadiums were always packed full with people that came from all across the country to see the event in person instead of on their television screens. Though, Izuku knew the real reason that all of these events were so popular and it was due to the basic human mind enjoying senseless displays of violence in which that they don't have to lose anything to see it. Of course pitting other humans against each other was something which Nezu himself would enjoy taking advantage of for his own profit and personal enjoyment due to his past. Anyway, this year was going to be a bit special for numerous reasons but the main reason it was special for Izuku was that he would be participating as himself or rather he would be going as Kitsune! That's right, unlike the previous years where Izuku went under a fake name and everything else he would be taking part as the sole student of 3-A and would be wearing his Kitsune mask. Izuku wanted to show everyone what it meant to face against him and how he would go on to be a devastating force of fighting potential regardless of the fact that he was quirkless!

Though, putting all of this aside just for a bit. Izuku was a bit worried about what he had learned a few days ago about one Shouto Todoroki as in one of the last few days of training before the festival, Izuku had an interesting conversation with the boy. In this conversation, Izuku learned the reason that the first-year did not use his full quirk and only half-assed everything in a sense. The reason he learned was not one that he expected as he believed that Todoroki was originally looking down on everyone but the actual answer was surprising. Izuku learned that the number two hero of Japan was a human equivalent of a dumpster fire that needed to be cleaned up as Todoroki told Izuku everything about the illegal quirk marriage, the training to surpass All Might which in Izuku's view was just child abuse, the lost of the oldest child, and many other things that happened in that household! After learning everything, Izuku looked at Todoroki and asked a simple question, "Do you want me to do anything about this?" Izuku had asked Shouto Todoroki in the gym that afternoon. 

Shouto was of course a bit shocked that he was asked that because Izuku had more or less just volunteered to take on the number two pro hero of Japan who had a lot of money and power but in the end he said it would be to dangerous for Izuku to go against someone with so much sway in Japan. However, to Izuku that wasn't a no to his offer but instead an answer of fear of getting someone harmed and Izuku knew that personally from his own experience in the world. Shouto Todoroki was to afraid to reach out and take action because he was afraid he wouldn't believed but luckily for Izuku, he had one devil of a partner in crime who was the principal of UA. As such, Izuku made sure to tip the principal off to the talk that Izuku had had with Todoroki because in that same conversation he was somewhat able to plant the seeds of the need to use the fire side of his quirk. Izuku told Shouto that it was his quirk and not endeavors which made Shouto go into deep thought with small bits of fire appearing before he shut them off. As such, the goal of getting the boy to likely use his full quirk was kicked off from the ground but also an entire new case of abuse and illegal quirk marriage was started which Izuku knew Nezu would enjoy taking down Endeavor since Izuku had already received a message not even ten minutes after leaving the gym from Nezu confirming that he had seen the video. A thumbs up emoji with a devil face was attached to the message as well which Izuku knew Nezu was already preparing the case files in secrets so that they could work on it without the government finding out about it to soon.

Anyway, back to the festival itself as the third-year hero student events were starting off as all of the students were called out to the field. This year, Principal Nezu was the one calling the matches and doing the commenting on the matches as he had the ability to multi-task due to his quirk for such simple things. There was also the fact that he didn't want to miss the excitement and fun that he knew Izuku would cause during these events as well so he made sure he could be free for all of the third-year events. Nezu took a sip of his tea that he had in his hands somehow and looked around the stadium after all of the students but one were on the stage. After a few seconds, he started to speak. "Now ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage the hero student who claimed victory as the champion of the first year and the second year sports festival! The sole student of 3-A, Kitsune!" Nezu said causing confusion amongst the audience but not the other students who knew the stories of Kitsune! They all shuddered in a bit of fear from what Izuku had always done to the other hero students in combat trainings as he reigned supreme in UA as the Big One even though it was an unofficial title as the other two strongest students never dared to claim ownership of their spots in the big three with Kitsune around.

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