Chapter 21: Second Semester Start!

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3RD pov:

The remaining time of the summer break was coming to a close and Izuku decided to check in with Hitoshi Shinso one more time before school kicked off to a start as his time would become far more limited in what he could do outside of everything as Aizawa had told Izuku that things would slightly change in his second semester to account for some things that were going to be going on if they decided to approve of it for him but Izuku didn't know what those things were going to be so he had put it out of his mind until recently. Now thinking back to his own personal training in regards to the blackness training he was doing where he would have his sense of sight completely blocked off, this training had some more progress but it was nowhere near Vagabond's abilities to do it or where Vagabond would consider Izuku having obtained a basic ability to perform it either.

Izuku had reached the stage of more or less being able to dodge nearly 80% of the strikes that were sent his way but he still ended up on the ground almost all of the time anyway since Izuku would get grabbed instead of Vagabond going for a hit instead. As such, Izuku still had a lot more work to do but was making headway into being able to defend himself fully without having his sense of sight. Once he could truly defend himself he would start working on proactivity attacking instead of defensive fighting.

Pushing forward, Izuku was now standing outside of Shinso's training location as Izuku had suggested Hitoshi find somewhere he could train in private or in peace without others bothering him since Izuku was damn sure the boy was being hounded at his school similar to how Izuku used to be but not as badly likely since Shinso still had a quirk even if it was a mental one. Izuku knew there was a range of mental quirks but he was betting on the body language that Shinso had that it was likely one that would be classified as either very weak or as villainous somehow which Izuku always hated because a quirk wasn't villainous unless you made it so via your actions using said quirk. This somehow mand Izuku remember the boy called Mirio Togata from about a year or so ago when they had finished cleaning the beach he had worked on and Togata had helped finish. 

Izuku could truly never understand people's lack of creativity with their own quirks as so many things could be done with so many different quirks. It was hard to find one that was truly useless or so weak that something couldn't be done with it as something always had an application for it to be used for but sadly human minds are limited in always wanting to be flashy. After a short walk from a train station that he took he arrived at the location that Shinso had texted him on where he had started to work. The location was actually a little hideaway spot in a forested area that Shinso had cleared out of old trash since people used it as a hidden dumping ground away from prying eyes since people would do it at night time.

'Ironic since I cleaned an illegal dumping ground on a beach and Shinso did a smaller size one in a forested area but still ironic on how we did something similar.' Izuku thought as he saw Shinso working out with a black armless shirt on. Izuku could see without about that Shinso had indeed been sticking more or less to the workout plan since he had been putting muscle mass on in a more slim and firm way. Izuku decided he spent enough time watching and stepped out of his spot where he was hiding which caught Shinso's attention who freaked out at not noticing someone that close since Izuku was about 8 feet or so away from him.

"Scared you?" Izuku asked with a joking tone that Shinso slightly glared at him for but it went away quickly. "I see you have been keeping up with the workout, have you had any luck on getting any dojo to accept you for martial arts training?" Izuku asked and Shinso shook his head that none would accept him since they saw his mental quirk as villainous which made Izuku frown. Overall, there wasn't much he could do about it which sucked in Izuku's mind since people could easily cover up the true reason that they rejected Shinso from their dojo's. "Try looking up self-defense martial arts or basics online to get a foundation created which you can expand on when you get into UA with help from the Pro Hero staff. I would offer but the semester is about to start again and my time is about to be limited once again so I won't have time to correctly teach you plus my style is a mix of things that I use for my equipment so it wouldn't be helpful for you either way." Izuku said as he shook his head and Shinso said he would look things up online.

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