Chapter 6: Years Passing

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3rd POV:

Years have passed and it was now roughly a year before the UA entrance exams. Many things have happened over the years but one thing that was surprising to Izuku was how famous his alias had become over the years! Tea Leaves had become well known in the hero industry as a top-notch analysis for quirks and of criminal cases since Izuku had provided Nezu analysis of villains of active criminal cases in ways to defeat them and likely areas they would be in which lead to quite a handful of arrests. It had reached the point that Nezu could no longer hide the fact that he wasn't the one actually doing the work and had to inform everyone that he had been passing information from a secondary source called Tea Leaves who trusted Nezu to verify the information and send the info along to the appropriate sources.

Everyone had asked him if he had ever discovered the true name of the person behind Tea Leaves and Nezu had to admit he hadn't. The information that Nezu had gained didn't lead him to anyone which he learned that Tea Leaves had thrown him off the trail by feeding him false clues on his identity but could confirm that the person had no ill will towards heroes and was actively helping them since they provided so much information. It did reach a point in the recent years that Nezu did offer Iuzku a job at UA as an analysis which made Izuku break into laugher when he learned it and even Vagabond was shocked when he read it but also found it extremely funny since Izuku had done such a good job on keeping Nezu off his trail with all of the misleading information. 

"I got to admit Izuku that I've lost the bet... if Nezu didn't figure you out by now he won't with the last year coming to a close. I also want you to start getting used to wielding Izanagi since it's a far deadlier blade since it can cut through metals and everything else due to how it was made. As such, I admit defeat with the bet but I want to see if Nezu suspects anything once you apply to the school since I want you to reveal it at least after the first day comes to an end since he will be good for you to come under for personal training in regards to your notebooks and criminal casework since he is far better at that than me." Vagabond said as he grabbed Izanagi and took it over to Izuku who took the sword carefully as if it would easily break which was ironic due to the sword being nearly unbreakable with everything it had gone through. Vagabond just chuckled at Izuku's facial expression as he wielded the sword. 

Izuku handed over his other sword since he would no longer need it since he only ever wielded one blade even though he knew how to wield two if he really needed to. Wielding one just felt more right to him. Overall, outside of the katana sword that he wielded, Izuku used throwing knives, shuriken, smoke bombs, needles coated with poison, and anything else he could get his hands on in the middle of combat. Vagabond did recommend Izuku look into getting a part of the hero suit to have electrified stun gloves somehow so he could have a bit of power in his punches to stun people to catch them off guard. Izuku thought it was a good idea and made a note of it when it came time to send in a costume when he passed the UA entrance exams since he refused to believe he wouldn't be able to with all of his skill and training. 

Outside of all that, Izuku had actually switched to online schooling since about a year ago Vagabond had enough of Izuku's school. The man admitted to himself and Izuku that he should have taken action sooner but he also knew Izuku would suffer discrimination from a lot of people and even possibly from future classmates at UA even with their anti-discrimination policies and zero tolerance towards bullying. Sadly that is the world they lived in. However, he drew the line when Izuku had gotten suicide baited by a few of his classmates and the staff did nothing about it!

As such, he had Inko pull him out of school and enrolled him into an online school that was self-paced which Izuku quickly passed his education requirements for middle school easily which resulted in him starting his high school education already. Vagabond knew Izuku was highly intelligent and the work he did with his self-paced learning proved it due to how well he was doing which made him smile at the success his protege was having with his education. Izuku would likely have all of his first-year education learned and could test out of it a few months before UA started which would free up some of his time at UA for other training or learning since Vagabond doubted Nezu would let Izuku sit idle once the Principal of UA learned that Izuku was Tea Leaves. 

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